rewrite uml

This commit is contained in:
monoid 2022-06-11 21:48:01 +09:00
parent 9fcbee6633
commit f0c67b8bc4
1 changed files with 171 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -53,18 +53,6 @@ class MethodRouterBuilber {
+delete(handler: Handler): this
+build(): Handler
class ResponseBuilder {
+status: Status
+headers: Record<string, string>
+body?: BodyInit
+setStatus(status: Status): this
+setHeader(key: string, value: string): this
+setBody(body: BodyInit): this
+redirect(location: string): this
+build(): Response
class MatchContext
<<Interface>> MatchContext
class Router~T~ {
+match(path: string, ctx: MatchContext): T
@ -87,9 +75,23 @@ class TreeRouter~T~ {
MethodRouter <-- MethodRouterBuilber: Create
Router <|.. MethodRouter
Router <|.. FsRouter
class ResponseBuilder {
+status: Status
+headers: Record<string, string>
+body?: BodyInit
+setStatus(status: Status): this
+setHeader(key: string, value: string): this
+setBody(body: BodyInit): this
+redirect(location: string): this
+build(): Response
class MatchContext
<<Interface>> MatchContext
Response <-- ResponseBuilder: Create
class ChunkMethodAction {
@ -129,17 +131,6 @@ class ChunkMoveAction {
DocumentObject <|.. FileDocumentObject
class FileDocumentObject {
+docPath: string
+chunks: Chunk[]
+tags: string[]
+updatedAt: number
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+open(): Promise<void>
+parse(content: unknown[]): void
+save(): Promise<void>
class Participant {
+id: string
+user: UserSession
@ -167,6 +158,21 @@ class ParticipantList {
+unicast(id: string, message: string): void
+broadcast(message: string): void
ParticipantList o-- Participant
DocumentObject <|.. FileDocumentObject
class FileDocumentObject {
+docPath: string
+chunks: Chunk[]
+tags: string[]
+updatedAt: number
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+open(): Promise<void>
+parse(content: unknown[]): void
+save(): Promise<void>
FileDocumentObject <|-- ActiveDocumentObject
class ActiveDocumentObject {
+conns: Set<Participant>
@ -183,7 +189,6 @@ class DocumentStore {
+close(conn: Participant, docPath: string): void
+closeAll(conn: Participant): void
ParticipantList o-- Participant
DocumentStore o-- ActiveDocumentObject
@ -215,47 +220,84 @@ class RPCNotificationEvent {
class ViewModelBase {
+updateAsSource(path: string, updatedAt: number): void
class IDisposable {
+dispose(): void
<<Interface>> ViewModelBase
ViewModelBase <|.. IViewModel
class IViewModel {
+pageView: IPageViewModel
<<Interface>> IViewModel
IPageViewModel <|.. BlankPage
class BlankPage {
+type: string
+updateAsSource(_path: string, _updatedAt: number): void
IViewModel <|.. ViewModel
class ViewModel {
+pageView: IPageViewModel
+updateAsSource(path: string, updatedAt: number): void
ViewModelBase <|.. IPageViewModel
class IPageViewModel {
+type: string
<<Interface>> IPageViewModel
IPageViewModel <|.. IDocumentViewModel
<<Interface>> IDisposable
class IDocumentViewModel {
+updateOnNotification(notification: ChunkNotification): void
+docPath: string
+writable: boolean
+updateOnNotification(notification: RPCNotification): void
+useChunks(): [IChunkViewModel[], ChunkListMutator]
+useTags(): [string[], (tags: string[]) => Promise<void>]
+useWritable(): [boolean, (writable: boolean) => Promise<void>]
<<Interface>> IDocumentViewModel
IDocumentViewModel <|.. DocumentViewModel
IDisposable <|.. DocumentViewModel
class DocumentViewModel {
+type: "document"
+docPath: string
+chunks: ChunkListViewModel
+tags: string[]
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+manager: IRPCMessageManager
+writable: boolean
+updateOnNotification(notification: RPCNotification): void
+useChunks(): [IChunkViewModel[], ChunkListMutator]
+updateTags(tags: string[], updatedAt: number): void
+useTags(): [string[], (tags: string[]) => Promise<void>]
+useWritable(): [boolean, (writable: boolean) => Promise<void>]
ChunkListViewModel ..* DocumentViewModel
class IChunkListViewModel {
+docPath: string
+updateOnNotification(notification: RPCNotification): void
+useChunks(): [IChunkViewModel[], ChunkListMutator]
<<Interface>> IChunkListViewModel
EventTarget <|-- ChunkListViewModel
IChunkListViewModel <|.. ChunkListViewModel
class ChunkListViewModel {
+chunks: ChunkViewModel[]
+history: ChunkListHistory
+buffer: Inline
+seq: number
+updatedAt: number
+docPath: string
+manager: IRPCMessageManager
+nextSeq: number
+updateOnNotification(notification: RPCNotification): void
-updateMark(updatedAt: number): void
+apply(mutator: ChunkListStateMutator, updatedAt: number, seq: number, refresh?: boolean): void
+refresh(chunks: Chunk[], updatedAt: number): void
-refreshWith(chunkList: (Chunk | ChunkState)[], currentUpdatedAt: number, refresh?: boolean): void
-resolveError(e: Error): void
+useChunks(): [ChunkViewModel[], ChunkListMutator]
class ChunkListMutator {
+add(i?: number | undefined, chunkContent?: ChunkContent | undefined): void
+add(i?: number, chunkContent?: ChunkContent): void
+create(i?: number | undefined): void
+addFromText(i: number, text: string): void
+del(id: string): void
+move(id: string, pos: number): void
<<Interface>> ChunkListMutator
class ChunkListState {
+chunks: Chunk[]
+cloen(): ChunkListState
<<interface>> ChunkListMutator
class ChunkListHistory {
+history: ChunkListHistoryElem[]
+limit: number
-applyLast(mutator: ChunkListStateMutator, updatedAt: number): void
+current: ChunkListState
+currentUpdatedAt: number
+revoke(): void
+apply(mutator: ChunkListStateMutator, updatedAt: number): boolean
class ChunkListStateMutator
<<Interface>> ChunkListStateMutator
class ChunkListHistory {
@ -267,38 +309,12 @@ class ChunkListHistory {
+revoke(): void
+apply(mutator: ChunkListStateMutator, updatedAt: number): boolean
class ChunkMutator {
+setType(t: ChunkContentType): void
+setContent(s: string): void
<<Interface>> ChunkMutator
IDocumentViewModel <|.. DocumentViewModel
class DocumentViewModel {
+type: "document"
+docPath: string
+chunks: Chunk[]
+history: ChunkListHistory
+buffer: Inline
+seq: number
+tags: string[]
+updatedAt: number
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+updateOnNotification(notification: ChunkNotification): void
-updateMark(updatedAt: number): void
+apply(mutator: ChunkListStateMutator, updatedAt: number, seq: number, refresh?: boolean): void
+updateAsSource(_path: string, _updatedAt: number): void
+useChunks(): [Chunk[], ChunkListMutator]
+useTags(): [string[], (tags: string[]) => Promise<void>]
+useChunk(chunk_arg: Chunk): [Chunk, ChunkMutator]
IViewModel ..> "1" IPageViewModel
ViewModel ..> "1" IPageViewModel
ChunkListHistory ..> "1" ChunkListStateMutator
ChunkListHistory ..> "1" ChunkListState
DocumentViewModel ..> "1" ChunkListHistory
DocumentViewModel ..> "1" ChunkListStateMutator
DocumentViewModel ..> "1" ChunkListMutator
DocumentViewModel ..> "1" ChunkMutator
ChunkListViewModel *.. ChunkListHistory
ChunkListViewModel ..> "1" ChunkListStateMutator
IChunkListViewModel ..> "1" ChunkListMutator
ChunkViewModel ..* ChunkListViewModel
@ -313,35 +329,78 @@ ChunkListStateMutator <|.. ChunkListStateDeleteMutator
ChunkListStateMutator <|.. ChunkListStateModifyMutator
ChunkListStateMutator <|.. ChunkListStateMoveMutator
class ChunkMutator {
+setType(t: ChunkType): void
+setContent(s: string): void
<<Interface>> ChunkMutator
class IChunkViewModel {
+parent: IChunkListViewModel
+id: string
+focus(): void
+unfocus(): void
+useFocus(): boolean
+useChunk(): [Chunk, ChunkMutator]
+setState(state: ChunkState): void
<<Interface>> IChunkViewModel
EventTarget <|-- ChunkViewModel
IChunkViewModel <|.. ChunkViewModel
class ChunkViewModel {
+chunk: Chunk
+updatedAt: number
+focused: boolean
+overwrite?: Chunk | undefined
+parent: ChunkListViewModel
+manager: IRPCMessageManager
+id: string
+focus(): void
+unfocus(): void
+useFocus(): boolean
+content: ChunkContent
+setState(state: ChunkState): void
+useChunk(): [Chunk, ChunkMutator]
IChunkViewModel ..> "1" ChunkMutator
EventTarget <|.. IRPCMessageManager
class IRPCMessageManager {
+opened: boolean
+close(): void
+sendNotification(notification: ChunkNotification): void
+sendNotification(notification: RPCNotification): void
+addEventListener(name: "notification", listener: RPCMessageMessagerEventListener): void
+addEventListener(name: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): void
+removeEventListener(name: "notification", listener: RPCMessageMessagerEventListener): void
+removeEventListener(name: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): void
+invokeMethod(m: RPCMessageBody): Promise<RPCResponse>
<<Interface>> IRPCMessageManager
EventTarget <|-- RPCMessageManager
IRPCMessageManager <|.. RPCMessageManager
class RPCMessageManager {
-callbackList: Map<number, RPCCallback>
-curId: number
-ws?: WebSocket | undefined
+opened: boolean
+openedURL: string | undefined
+open(url: string | URL, protocals?: string | undefined): Promise<void>
+close(): void
-genId(): number
+genHeader(): Inline
+send(message: RPCMethod): Promise<RPCResponse>
+sendNotification(message: ChunkNotification): void
+sendNotification(message: RPCNotification): void
+addEventListener(type: "notification", callback: RPCMessageMessagerEventListener): void
+removeEventListener(type: "notification", callback: RPCMessageMessagerEventListener): void
+invokeMethod(m: RPCMessageBody): Promise<RPCResponse>
class FsDirEntry {
+name: string
+isDirectory: boolean
@ -364,33 +423,48 @@ class FsGetResult {
+entries?: FsDirEntry[] | undefined
<<Interface>> FsGetResult
Event <|-- FileEvent
class FileEvent~T~ {
+kind: T
+path: string[]
class IFsEventMap {
+modify: (this: IFsManager, event: MessageEvent<NotImplemented>) => void
+create: (this: IFsManager, event: MessageEvent<NotImplemented>) => void
+delete: (this: IFsManager, event: MessageEvent<NotImplemented>) => void
+modify: FileEvent<"modify">
+create: FileEvent<"create">
+remove: FileEvent<"remove">
<<Interface>> IFsEventMap
EventTarget <|.. IFsManager
class IFsManager {
+getURL(filePath: string): URL
+get(path: string): Promise<Response>
+getStat(path: string): Promise<FsGetResult>
+upload(filePath: string, data: BodyInit): Promise<number>
+delete(filePath: string): Promise<number>
+rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): Promise<number>
+mkdir(path: string): Promise<number>
+addEventListener(name: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): void
+removeEventListener(name: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): void
+addEventListener(type: T, listener: EventHandler~T~): void
+removeEventListener(type: T, listener: EventHandler~T~): void
+dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean
<<Interface>> IFsManager
EventTarget <|-- FsManager
IFsManager <|.. FsManager
class FsManager {
-manager: RPCMessageManager
-prefix: string
+get(path: string): Promise<Response>
-manager: IRPCMessageManager
-url: string
+addEventListener(type: T, listener: EventHandler~T~): void
+removeEventListener(type: T, listener: EventHandler~T~): void
+getURL(filePath: string): URL
-#fetchRequest(filePath: string | URL, init?: RequestInit | undefined): Promise<Response>
+get(filePath: string): Promise<Response>
+getStat(filePath: string): Promise<FsGetResult>
+upload(filePath: string, data: BodyInit): Promise<number>
+mkdir(filePath: string): Promise<number>
+delete(filePath: string): Promise<number>
+rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): Promise<number>
FsGetResult ..> "*" FsDirEntry
IFsEventMap ..> "1" IFsManager
IFsManager ..> "1" FsGetResult