# HW12 Homework To build source, you should install `build-essential`. Usage: ```bash ./server [OPTION]... ./client SERVERNAME PORT [option] [FILENAME]... ``` Server OPTION and arguments: - `-p port` :set to port binding. couldn't set to 0 - `-h` or `--help` :print help message. Client option and arguments: - `-b` or `--benchmark` :benchmark mode - `--nogui` :no progress bar Available macro: For server - DEFAULT_MAX_LISTEN_SOCKET: 16 - DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT: 9091 - DEFAULT_MAX_PATH_SIZE: 256(must be less than 1000) - USE_SENDFILE - DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE: 0x100000(1MB) - DEFAULT_WORK_QUEUE_SIZE(server only): 10 - DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_NUMBER(server only): 10 - DEFAULT_RESPONSE_REQUEST(p-server only): 3(-1 is INF) For client - MUL_CLIENT(second unit) - SLOW_CLIENT(microsecond unit, (buf_size/SLOW_CLIENT) bytes/usec) - DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH: 30 For both - TIMEOUT: 5(second unit)