import sqlite3 import datetime import pandas as pd import krx import os import argparse import enum import json import tqdm CREATE_STOCK_STATEMENT = """ CREATE TABLE "STOCK" ( "Code" TEXT, "Date" TEXT, "Close" INTEGER NOT NULL, "Diff" INTEGER NOT NULL, "Open" INTEGER NOT NULL, "High" INTEGER NOT NULL, "Low" INTEGER NOT NULL, "Volume" INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("Date","Code") );""" @enum.unique class STOCK_INDEX(enum.IntEnum): CODE = 0 DATE = 1 CLOSE = 2 DIFF = 3 OPEN = 4 HIGH = 5 LOW = 6 VOLUME = 7 CREATE_KRXCorp_STATEMENT = """ CREATE TABLE "KRXCorp" ( "Name" TEXT, "Code" TEXT, "Sector" TEXT, "Product" TEXT, "ListingDay" TEXT, "ClosingMonth" TEXT, "Representative" TEXT, "Homepage" TEXT, "AddressArea" TEXT, "LastUpdate" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("Code") ); """ CREATE_UNIQUE_Stock_INDEX_Statement = """ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "STOCK_INDEX" ON "STOCK" ( "Code", "Date" ) """ def create_table(nday:int = 90): """ Create table for stock data :param nday: determine lastest crolling day. """ print("initialize table...") with sqlite3.connect("stock.db") as db: db.execute(CREATE_STOCK_STATEMENT) db.execute(CREATE_KRXCorp_STATEMENT) db.execute(CREATE_UNIQUE_Stock_INDEX_Statement) code_df: pd.DataFrame = krx.load_from_krx_server() code_df.to_csv("krx.csv") print("compelete to download from krx") code_df = code_df.rename(columns={'회사명': 'name', '종목코드': 'code'}) code_df_size = len(code_df) last_updated = ( - datetime.timedelta(nday)).isoformat() for i,row in code_df.iterrows(): code = row["code"] print(f"{code_df_size}/{i+1} : code { code }",end="\r") db.execute(""" INSERT INTO "KRXCorp" (Name,Code,Sector,Product,ListingDay,ClosingMonth,Representative,Homepage,AddressArea,LastUpdate) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """,(row["name"],row["code"],row["업종"],row["주요제품"],row["상장일"],row["결산월"],row["대표자명"],row["홈페이지"],row["지역"] , last_updated)) print("\nComplete!") db.commit() def update_krx(nday:int = 90): print("update krx...") with sqlite3.connect("stock.db") as db: if os.path.exists("krx.csv"): code_df = pd.read_csv("krx.csv", index_col=0, dtype=str) else: code_df: pd.DataFrame = krx.load_from_krx_server() code_df.to_csv("krx.csv") print("compelete to download from krx") code_df = code_df.rename(columns={'회사명': 'name', '종목코드': 'code'}) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(code_df.iterrows(), total=len(code_df)) for _,row in pbar: code:str = row["code"] name:str = row["name"] pbar.set_description(f"{ code }") q = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM KRXCorp Where Code = ?",[code]) a = q.fetchone()[0] lastUpdate = ( - datetime.timedelta(nday)).isoformat() if a > 0: db.execute(""" UPDATE "KRXCorp" Set Name = ?, Sector = ?, Product = ?, ListingDay = ?, ClosingMonth = ?, Representative = ?, Homepage = ?, AddressArea = ?, WHERE Code = ?; """,(row["name"],row["업종"],row["주요제품"],row["상장일"],row["결산월"],row["대표자명"],row["홈페이지"],row["지역"],code )) else: db.execute(""" INSERT INTO "KRXCorp" (Name,Code,Sector,Product,ListingDay,ClosingMonth,Representative,Homepage,AddressArea,LastUpdate) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) """,(row["name"],row["code"],row["업종"],row["주요제품"],row["상장일"],row["결산월"],row["대표자명"],row["홈페이지"],row["지역"],lastUpdate )) print("\nComplete!") db.commit() def get_data_from_krx(db,stock_code): cursor = db.execute("""SELECT * FROM KRXCorp WHERE code = ?""", [stock_code]) return cursor.fetchone() class KRXCorp: __slots__ = ("Name","Code","Sector","Product","ListingDay", "ClosingMonth","Representative","Homepage","AddressArea","LastUpdate") def __init__(self,**kwargs): super().__init__() self.Name = kwargs["Name"] self.Code = kwargs["Code"] self.Sector = kwargs["Sector"] self.Product = kwargs["Product"] self.ListingDay = kwargs["ListingDay"] self.ClosingMonth = kwargs["ClosingMonth"] self.Representative = kwargs["Representative"] self.Homepage = kwargs["Homepage"] self.AddressArea = kwargs["AddressArea"] self.LastUpdate = kwargs["LastUpdate"] @classmethod def from_db(cls,arr): return cls(Name=arr[0], Code = arr[1],Sector =arr[2],Product =arr[3], ListingDay =arr[4],ClosingMonth =arr[5],Representative= arr[6], Homepage = arr[7],AddressArea = arr[8],LastUpdate = arr[9]) def __repr__(self): return f"{{{self.Name}: {self.Code}}}" def toDict(self): return { "Name": self.Name, "Code": self.Code, "Sector": self.Sector, "Product": self.Product, "ListingDay": self.ListingDay, "ClosingMonth": self.ClosingMonth, "Representative": self.Representative, "Homepage": self.Homepage, "AddressArea": self.AddressArea, "LastUpdate": self.LastUpdate } def GetAllKRXCorp(db): return [KRXCorp.from_db(c) for c in db.execute("""SELECT * From KRXCorp""")] def GetAllStockCode(db): return [c[0] for c in db.execute("""SELECT Code From KRXCorp""")] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Stock DataBase") parser.add_argument("--create",action="store_true",help="create table") parser.add_argument("--update",action="store_true",help="update table") parser.add_argument("--getAll",action="store_true",help="get data from krx") if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() if args.create: if os.path.exists("stock.db"): print("db file already exists!") else: create_table() if args.update: update_krx() if args.getAll: with sqlite3.connect("stock.db") as db: print(GetAllKRXCorp(db))