import { Material } from "./parser.ts"; import { Condition, parseInput, Workflow } from "./parser.ts"; const input = await Deno.readTextFile("input.txt"); const parsed = parseInput(input); // await Deno.writeTextFile("input.json", // JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2)); function ifCond(cond: Condition, material: Material) { const value = material[cond.quality]; // console.log(value, cond.cond, cond.value); return cond.cond === ">" ? value > cond.value : ( cond.cond === "<" ? value < cond.value : false); } class Executor { workflowTable: Map constructor(rules: Workflow[]) { this.workflowTable = new Map(); for (const rule of rules) { this.workflowTable.set(, rule); } } execute(material: Material) { let gotoRules = this.workflowTable.get("in")!; for (; ;) { let dest = gotoRules.always; for (const gotoRule of gotoRules.rules) { if (ifCond(gotoRule.condition, material)) { dest = gotoRule.dest; break; } } if (dest === "A") return "A"; if (dest === "R") return "R"; gotoRules = this.workflowTable.get(dest)!; } } } function sumMaterials(materials: Material[]) { let sum = 0; for (const material of materials) { sum += material.x; sum += material.m; sum += material.a; sum += material.s; } return sum; } const executor = new Executor(parsed.rules); let acc = []; for (const material of parsed.materials) { const result = executor.execute(material); console.log(material ,result); if (result === "A") { acc.push(material); } } console.log(sumMaterials(acc));