Add solution day 21

This commit is contained in:
monoid 2024-12-23 04:15:04 +09:00
parent 80547b5125
commit 881a530b8c
6 changed files with 1191 additions and 0 deletions

day_21/input.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

day_21/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
기본적인 정의를 합니다.
// fg is shortest available pathes function that returns a path from pos to target.
// type cmd :: enum {
// up'^', down'v', right'<', left'>', accept'A'
// }
// type path_set = set of list of cmd;
이제 헬퍼 함수를 정이합니다.
// \product is a function that returns a list of all possible combinations of two lists.
// \product :: path_set -> path_set -> path_set
// \product [] ys = []
// \product xs [] = []
// \product (x:xs) y = (concat x y) ++ (\product xs y)
// infix 5 \product // associativity is not important. because it commutative.
// ++ is union of two sets.
// concat :: cmd -> path_set -> path_set
// concat x [] = [x]
// concat x (y:ys) = (x:y) ++ (concat x ys)
// product :: path_set -> path_set -> path_set
// product a b = a \product b
type start_pos = cmd
type target_pos = cmd
type next_pos = cmd
available_paths :: start_pos -> target_pos -> path_set
type Handler 'T :: start_pos -> ('T, next_pos)
// define unit, mappend. these are monoid.
// unit :: Handler of path_set
// unit = s -> t -> (t, s)
// mappend :: Handler of path_set -> Handler of path_set -> Handler of path_set
// mappend f g = s ->
// let (t, s') = f s in
// let (a ,s'') = g s'
// in ( (product t a ) , s'')
// move :: Handler of (cmd -> set of list of cmd)
// move s cmds x = available_paths x \product
// accept :: Handler of (list of cmd -> list of cmd)
// f = fg 'A'
// f :: (list of cmd) -> set of (list of cmd)
// statement execute 'A' (f (x)) = x
// f x = move x; accept;
// f x:tails = (move x; accept; f tails) 'A'
// sl is get shortest path length
// sl :: list of cmd -> Int
// sl cmd = (f cmd) |> (foldr (x,y) -> min(x,y), INF)
// operator \product is a function that returns a list of all possible combinations of two lists.
// \product :: list of cmd -> list of cmd -> list of cmd
// \product [] ys = ys
// \product xs [] = xs
// \product (x:xs) (y:ys) = x \product (y:ys) ++ xs \product (y:ys)
// infixr 5 \product
// sl (a \product b) = sl a + sl b
// f /(.*)A/:rest = f '$1A' \product f rest
// sl(f /(.*)A/:rest)) = sl (f '$1A' \product f rest)
// = sl (f '$1A') + sl (f rest)

day_21/solve_1.test.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "jsr:@std/assert";
import {
} from "./solve_1.ts";
Deno.test("getNumbericKeypadNumber", () => {
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([0, 0]), "7");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([1, 0]), "8");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([2, 0]), "9");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([0, 1]), "4");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([1, 1]), "5");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([2, 1]), "6");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([0, 2]), "1");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([1, 2]), "2");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([2, 2]), "3");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([0, 3]), " ");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([1, 3]), "0");
assertEquals(getNumpadNumber([2, 3]), "A");
Deno.test("getPosFromNumpadNumber", () => {
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("7"), [0, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("8"), [1, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("9"), [2, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("4"), [0, 1]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("5"), [1, 1]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("6"), [2, 1]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("1"), [0, 2]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("2"), [1, 2]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("3"), [2, 2]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("0"), [1, 3]);
assertEquals(getPosFromNumpadNumber("A"), [2, 3]);
Deno.test("getNextKeypadRobotState", () => {
assertThrows(() => getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [0, 0] }, "^"));
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [0, 0] }, "v"), {
pos: [0, 1],
assertThrows(() => getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [0, 0] }, "<"));
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [0, 0] }, ">"), {
pos: [1, 0],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [0, 0] }, "A"), {
pos: [0, 0],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "^"), {
pos: [1, 0],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "v"), {
pos: [1, 2],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "<"), {
pos: [0, 1],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, ">"), {
pos: [2, 1],
assertEquals(getNextNumpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "A"), {
pos: [1, 1],
Deno.test("getDirKeypadNumber", () => {
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([0, 0]), " ");
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([1, 0]), "^");
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([2, 0]), "A");
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([0, 1]), "<");
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([1, 1]), "v");
assertEquals(getDirpadNumber([2, 1]), ">");
Deno.test("getPosFromDirKeypadNumber", () => {
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber(" "), [0, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber("^"), [1, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber("A"), [2, 0]);
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber("<"), [0, 1]);
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber("v"), [1, 1]);
assertEquals(getPosFromDirpadNumber(">"), [2, 1]);
Deno.test("getNextDirKeypadRobotState", () => {
assertEquals(getNextDirpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "^"), {
pos: [1, 0],
assertThrows(() => getNextDirpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "v"));
assertEquals(getNextDirpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "<"), {
pos: [0, 1],
assertEquals(getNextDirpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, ">"), {
pos: [2, 1],
assertEquals(getNextDirpadRobotState({ pos: [1, 1] }, "A"), {
pos: [1, 1],
Deno.test("executeCommandsOnNumpadRobot", () => {
const commands = [
"<A^A>^^AvvvA".split("") as Command[],
"<A^A^>^AvvvA".split("") as Command[],
"<A^A^^>AvvvA".split("") as Command[],
for (const command of commands) {
const out: string[] = [];
(o) => {
assertEquals(out, ["0", "2", "9", "A"]);
Deno.test("executeCommandsOnDirKeypadRobot", () => {
const input_result = [
.split("") as Command[],
["v<<A>>^A<A>AvA<^AA>A<vAAA>^A".split("") as Command[], "<A^A>^^AvvvA"],
] as const;
for (const [input, result] of input_result) {
const out: string[] = [];
(o) => {
assertEquals(out.join(""), result);
Deno.test("shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot", () => {
const testCase: {
pos: Pos;
target: string;
expect: string[][];
msg: string;
}[] = [
target: "A",
expect: [[]],
msg: "should return empty array when target is same as pos",
pos: [0, 0],
target: "7",
expect: [[]],
msg: "should return empty array when target is same as pos",
target: "9",
expect: [["^", "^", "^"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
pos: [0, 0],
target: "5",
expect: [["v", ">"], [">", "v"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
pos: [1, 3],
target: "1",
expect: [["^", "<"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
for (const { pos, target, expect, msg } of testCase) {
assertEquals(shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot({ pos }, target), expect, msg);
Deno.test("shortestPathesOnDirpadRobot", () => {
const testCase: {
pos: Pos;
target: string;
expect: string[][];
msg: string;
}[] = [
target: "A",
expect: [["A"]],
msg: "should return empty array when target is same as pos",
pos: [1, 0],
target: "^",
expect: [["A"]],
msg: "should return empty array when target is same as pos",
target: ">",
expect: [["v", "A"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
pos: [1, 0],
target: ">",
expect: [["v", ">", "A"], [">", "v", "A"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
pos: [0, 1],
target: "^",
expect: [[">", "^", "A"]],
msg: "should return shortest path to target",
for (const { pos, target, expect, msg } of testCase) {
assertEquals(shortestPathesOnDirpadRobot({ pos }, target), expect, msg);
Deno.test("example test", () => {
const testCase: [string, string][] = [
for (const [input, expect] of testCase) {
assertEquals(solve_1(input), expect.length);

day_21/solve_1.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
export type Pos = [number, number];
export type NumpadRobotState = {
pos: Pos;
export type Command = "^" | "v" | "<" | ">" | "A";
export function getNextPos(pos: Pos, command: Command): Pos {
const [x, y] = pos;
switch (command) {
case "^":
return [x, y - 1];
case "v":
return [x, y + 1];
case "<":
return [x - 1, y];
case ">":
return [x + 1, y];
return pos;
const NumbericKeypad = "789\n456\n123\n 0A";
export const NUMPAD_FIRST_POS: Pos = [2, 3];
export function getNumpadNumber([x, y]: Pos): string {
return NumbericKeypad[y * 4 + x];
export function getPosFromNumpadNumber(num: string): Pos {
const idx = NumbericKeypad.indexOf(num);
return [idx % 4, Math.floor(idx / 4)];
export function getNextNumpadRobotState(
state: NumpadRobotState,
command: Command,
): NumpadRobotState {
const nextPos = getNextPos(state.pos, command);
const [nx, ny] = nextPos;
if (
nx < 0 || nx > 2 || ny < 0 || ny > 3 ||
getNumpadNumber(nextPos) === " "
) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid command: ${command} for pos: ${state.pos.join(",")} -> ${
} is out of bound`,
return { pos: nextPos };
const DirectionalKeypad = " ^A\n<v>";
export const DIRPAD_FIRST_POS: Pos = [2, 0];
export type DirKeypadRobotState = {
pos: Pos;
export function getDirpadNumber([x, y]: Pos): string {
return DirectionalKeypad[y * 4 + x];
export function getPosFromDirpadNumber(num: string): Pos {
const idx = DirectionalKeypad.indexOf(num);
return [idx % 4, Math.floor(idx / 4)];
export function getNextDirpadRobotState(
state: DirKeypadRobotState,
command: Command,
): DirKeypadRobotState {
const nextPos = getNextPos(state.pos, command);
const [nx, ny] = nextPos;
if (
nx < 0 || nx > 2 || ny < 0 || ny > 1 ||
getDirpadNumber(nextPos) === " "
) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid command: ${command} for pos: ${state.pos.join(",")} -> ${
} is out of bound`,
return { pos: nextPos };
export function executeCommandsOnNumpadRobot(
state: NumpadRobotState,
commands: Command[],
output: (out: string) => void,
): NumpadRobotState {
return commands.reduce((state, command) => {
if (command === "A") {
return getNextNumpadRobotState(state, command);
}, state);
export function executeCommandsOnDirpadRobot(
state: DirKeypadRobotState,
commands: Command[],
output: (out: string) => void,
): DirKeypadRobotState {
return commands.reduce((state, command) => {
if (command === "A") {
return getNextDirpadRobotState(state, command);
}, state);
export function shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot(
state: NumpadRobotState,
targetNum: string,
): Command[][] {
const targetPos = getPosFromNumpadNumber(targetNum);
const len = Math.abs(targetPos[0] - state.pos[0]) +
Math.abs(targetPos[1] - state.pos[1]);
const queue: [Command[], NumpadRobotState][] = [[[], state]];
const paths: Command[][] = [];
while (queue.length > 0) {
const [path, state] = queue.shift()!;
if (path.length === len) {
if (
state.pos[0] === targetPos[0] && state.pos[1] === targetPos[1]
) {
for (const command of ["^", "v", "<", ">"] as Command[]) {
try {
const nextState = getNextNumpadRobotState(state, command);
queue.push([path.concat(command), nextState]);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore invalid command
return paths;
export function shortestPathesOnDirpadRobot(
state: DirKeypadRobotState,
targetNum: string,
): Command[][] {
const targetPos = getPosFromDirpadNumber(targetNum);
const len = Math.abs(targetPos[0] - state.pos[0]) +
Math.abs(targetPos[1] - state.pos[1]);
const queue: [Command[], DirKeypadRobotState][] = [[[], state]];
const paths: Command[][] = [];
while (queue.length > 0) {
const [path, state] = queue.shift()!;
if (path.length === len) {
if (
state.pos[0] === targetPos[0] && state.pos[1] === targetPos[1]
) {
for (const command of ["^", "v", "<", ">"] as Command[]) {
try {
const nextState = getNextDirpadRobotState(state, command);
queue.push([path.concat(command), nextState]);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore invalid command
return => p.concat("A"));
export function StepShortestPathesOnDirpadRobot(
state: DirKeypadRobotState,
targetNums: string[],
) {
return targetNums.reduce( (acc, targetNum) => {
const prevPos = acc.prevPos;
const paths = shortestPathesOnDirpadRobot({ pos: prevPos }, targetNum);
if (paths.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No path found for ${targetNum} from ${prevPos}`);
return {
prevPos: getPosFromDirpadNumber(targetNum),
// product of all
paths: acc.paths.flatMap((p) => => p.concat(np))),
}, {
prevPos: state.pos,
paths: [[]] as Command[][],
function filterShortestPathes(paths: Command[][]) {
let len = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (const path of paths) {
len = Math.min(len, path.length);
// len = Math.min( => p.length)); // this is call stack overflow...
// because the array is too big, the argument list is too long.
// so we need to calculate the min value by ourself.
return paths.filter((p) => p.length === len);
export function solve_1(code: string) {
const numbers = code.split("");
let start = NUMPAD_FIRST_POS;
const finalOuts: string[] = [];
for (const num of numbers) {
console.log("num", num);
const numpadPaths = shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot({ pos: start }, num).map((p) => p.concat("A"));
if (numpadPaths.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No path found for ${num} from ${start}`);
console.log("avail path", => p.join("")));
const pathes1 = filterShortestPathes(numpadPaths.flatMap((numpadPath) => {
return StepShortestPathesOnDirpadRobot({ pos: DIRPAD_FIRST_POS }, numpadPath);
console.log("path1", => p.join("")));
const pathes2 = filterShortestPathes(pathes1.flatMap((path) => {
return StepShortestPathesOnDirpadRobot({ pos: DIRPAD_FIRST_POS }, path);
console.log("path2", => p.join("")));
const pathes3 = filterShortestPathes(pathes2.flatMap((path) => {
return StepShortestPathesOnDirpadRobot({ pos: DIRPAD_FIRST_POS }, path);
// console.log("path3", => p.join("")));
const executePath3 = (path: Command[]) => {
const outs: string[] = [];
executeCommandsOnDirpadRobot({ pos: DIRPAD_FIRST_POS }, path, (o) => { outs.push(o); });
console.log("outs", outs.join(""));
return outs;
start = getPosFromNumpadNumber(num);
console.log("finalOuts", finalOuts.join(""), finalOuts.length);
return finalOuts.length;
if (import.meta.main) {
const codes = Deno.readTextFileSync("input.txt").replaceAll("\r","").split("\n");
let total = 0;
for (const code of codes){
const len = solve_1(code);
const n = parseInt(code.slice(0,3));
console.log("len", len, n, len * n);
total += n * len;
console.log("total", total);

day_21/solve_2.test.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert/equals";
import {
} from "./solve_2.ts";
Deno.test("availableShortestPaths - blocked", () => {
const paths = availableShortestPaths("<", "^");
assertEquals( => x.toString()), [">^"]);
Deno.test("availableShortestPaths - common", () => {
const paths = availableShortestPaths(">", "^");
assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), ["<^", "^<"].sort());
Deno.test("Path - length", () => {
const path = new Path(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"]);
assertEquals(path.length, 5);
Deno.test("Path - execute", () => {
const path = new Path(["<", "v", "A", ">", "A"]);
const ret: Command[] = [];
path.execute("A", (c) => {
assertEquals(ret.join(""), "v>");
Deno.test("Path - concat", () => {
const path = new Path(["<", "v", "A", ">", "A"]);
assertEquals(path.concat("^").toString(), "<vA>A^");
Deno.test("PathHandler - coproduct", () => {
const lhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["A"])]);
const rhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["v"])]);
const set = lhs.coproduct(rhs);
const [m, _] =">");
assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(),
Deno.test("PathHandler - product", () => {
const lhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["A"])]);
const rhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["v"])]);
const set = lhs.product(rhs);
const [m, _] =">");
assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(),
Deno.test("inputCommand", () => {
const handler = inputCommand("^");
const [m, a] =">");
assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(),
Deno.test("inputCommands", () => {
const handler = inputCommands(Path.from([">", "A"]));
const [m, a] =">");
assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(),
Deno.test("shortestPathLength", () => {
const inputcmdsShort = (start: Command,
cmds: Command[]) => shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from(cmds)))(start)[0];
assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A"])), 1);
assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A", ">"])), 3);
assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A", ">", "^"])), 6);
assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["<"])), 4);
assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["<", "A"])), 8);
Deno.test("shortestPathLength - property", () => {
// random path list
const pathes = [
Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"]),
Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v"]),
Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v", "<"]),
Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v", "<", ">"]),
Path.from(["A", "v", "v", ">", ">", "v", ">", "v"]),
for (const paths of pathes) {
for (const s of ["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"] as Command[]) {
const [x, ...xs] = paths;
const s1 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from([x])))(s)[0];
const s2 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from(xs)))(x)[0];
const s3 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(paths))(s)[0];
s1 + s2,
`s: ${s}, x: ${x}, xs: ${xs}, s1: ${s1}, s2: ${s2}, s3: ${s3}`,

day_21/solve_2.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
// fg is shortest available pathes function that returns a path from pos to target.
// type cmd :: enum {
// up'^', down'v', right'<', left'>', accept'A'
import { getPosFromNumpadNumber, NUMPAD_FIRST_POS, shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot } from "./solve_1.ts";
// }
export type Command = "^" | "v" | "<" | ">" | "A";
export type Pos = [number, number];
// type path = list of cmd;
// type path_set = set of path;
export type PathSet = Path[];
// |--|--|--|
// | |^ | A|
// |--|--|--|
// |< |v | >|
// |--|--|--|
const lookupCommandPos: Record<Command, Pos> = {
"^": [1, 0],
"v": [1, 1],
"<": [0, 1],
">": [2, 1],
"A": [2, 0],
export function commandToPos(command: Command): Pos {
return lookupCommandPos[command];
export function posToCommand(pos: Pos): Command {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(lookupCommandPos)) {
if (value[0] === pos[0] && value[1] === pos[1]) {
return key as Command;
throw new Error(`invalid pos: ${pos}`);
export class Path {
value: string;
constructor(commands: Command[]) {
this.value = commands.join("");
get length() {
return this.value.length;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Command> {
return this.value[Symbol.iterator]() as IterableIterator<Command>;
first() {
return this.value[0] as Command;
rest() {
const ret = new Path([]);
ret.value = this.value.slice(1);
return ret;
map<T>(fn: (cmd: Command) => T) {
const result: T[] = [];
for (const cmd of this.value) {
result.push(fn(cmd as Command));
return result;
flatMap<T>(fn: (cmd: Command) => T[]) {
const result: T[] = [];
for (const cmd of this.value) {
result.push(...fn(cmd as Command));
reduce<T>(fn: (acc: T, cmd: Command) => T, init: T) {
let acc = init;
for (const cmd of this.value) {
acc = fn(acc, cmd as Command);
return acc;
get last() {
return this.value[this.value.length - 1];
toString() {
return this.value;
toCommands() {
return this.value.split("") as Command[];
// ++ is union of two sets.
// concat :: cmd -> path_set -> path_set
// concat x [] = [x]
// concat x (y:ys) = (y:x) ++ (concat x ys)
concat(command: Command) {
const ret = new Path([]);
ret.value = this.value + command;
return ret;
concatPath(path: Path) {
const ret = new Path([]);
ret.value = this.value + path.value;
return ret;
static from(commands: Command[]) {
return new Path(commands);
// \product is a function that returns a list of all possible combinations of two lists.
// \product :: path_set -> path_set -> path_set
// \product x [] = []
// \product (x:xs) y = (concat x y) ++ (\product xs y)
// infix 5 \product // associativity is not important. because it commutative.
// product :: path_set -> path_set -> path_set
// product a b = a \product b
static product(a: PathSet, b: PathSet): PathSet {
return a.flatMap((x) => => x.concatPath(y)));
// it's not pure function.
// only use for test.
// execute :: (cmd, cmd -> never) -> Option of next_pos
execute(start: Command, onAccept: (accept: Command) => void): Pos | null {
let pos = commandToPos(start);
for (const command of this.toCommands()) {
if (command === "A") {
const newPos = moveSingle(pos, command);
if (newPos === null) {
return null;
pos = newPos;
return pos;
equals(other: Path) {
return this.value === other.value;
const lookupCommandDelta: Record<Command, Pos> = {
"^": [0, -1],
"v": [0, 1],
"<": [-1, 0],
">": [1, 0],
"A": [0, 0],
export function pathToDelta(command: Command): Pos {
return lookupCommandDelta[command];
export function moveSingle(pos: Pos, command: Command): Pos | null {
const [x, y] = pos;
const [dx, dy] = pathToDelta(command);
const newPos: [number, number] = [x + dx, y + dy];
// out of range
if (newPos[0] < 0 || newPos[0] > 2 || newPos[1] < 0 || newPos[1] > 1) {
return null;
// invalid position
if (newPos[0] === 0 && newPos[1] === 0) {
return null;
return newPos;
// type Handler 'T :: start_pos -> ('T, next_pos)
export type Handler<T> = (start: Command) => [T, Command];
export class PathSetHandler {
private fn: Handler<PathSet>;
constructor(fn: Handler<PathSet>) {
this.fn = fn;
// call :: Handler of start_pos -> (path_set, next_pos)
// call f = f
call(command: Command) {
return this.fn(command);
// mempty :: Handler of path_set
// mempty = \s -> ([], s)
static empty() {
return new PathSetHandler(
(s: Command) => [[], s],
// munit :: Handler of path_set
// munit = \s -> ([[]], s)
static unit() {
return new PathSetHandler(
(s: Command) => [[Path.from([])], s],
static fromPathSet(t: PathSet) {
return new PathSetHandler(
(s: Command) => [t, s],
coproduct(f: PathSetHandler) {
// union of two sets.
return new PathSetHandler(
(s: Command) => {
const [t, s1] = this.fn(s);
const [a, s2] =;
// merge two sets t and a.
const set = new Set([...t, ...a]);
const result = Array.from(set);
return [result, s2];
// mproduct :: Handler of path_set -> Handler of path_set -> Handler of path_set
// mproduct f g = s ->
// let (t, s') = f s in
// let (a ,s'') = g s'
// in ( (product t a ) , s'')
// op ; = mproduct
// infixr 5 ;
product(f: PathSetHandler) {
return new PathSetHandler(
(s: Command) => {
const [t, s1] = this.fn(s);
const [a, s2] = f.fn(s1);
return [Path.product(t, a), s2];
// available_paths :: (start_pos, target_pos) -> path_set
// type start_pos = cmd
// type target_pos = cmd
// type next_pos = cmd
// available_paths :: (start_pos, target_pos) -> path_set
export function availableShortestPaths(
start: Command,
target: Command,
): PathSet {
const startPos = commandToPos(start);
const targetPos = commandToPos(target);
const paths: Path[] = [];
const queue: [Path, Pos][] = [[new Path([]), startPos]];
const deltaSum = Math.abs(targetPos[0] - startPos[0]) +
Math.abs(targetPos[1] - startPos[1]);
while (queue.length > 0) {
const [path, pos] = queue.shift()!;
if (pos[0] === targetPos[0] && pos[1] === targetPos[1]) {
if (path.length >= deltaSum) {
for (const command of ["^", "v", "<", ">"] as Command[]) {
const nextPos = moveSingle(pos, command);
if (nextPos) {
queue.push([path.concat(command), nextPos]);
if (paths.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`no path found from ${start} to ${target}`);
return paths;
// move :: cmd -> Handler of path_set
// move cmd = \s -> (available_paths (s, cmd), cmd)
export const move: (cmd: Command) => PathSetHandler = (command: Command) => {
return new PathSetHandler((start: Command) => {
return [availableShortestPaths(start, command), command];
export const accept: PathSetHandler = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([
// inputCommand :: cmd -> Handler of path_set
// inputCommand cmd = (move cmd); accept
export const inputCommand = (command: Command) => move(command).product(accept);
// inputCommands :: list of cmd -> Handler of path_set
// inputCommands xs = foldl (x -> y -> x; y) munit xs
// or
// inputCommands [] = munit
// inputCommands (x:xs) = (inputCommand x) ; (inputCommands xs)
export const inputCommands = (commands: Path) => {
return commands.reduce((acc, command) => {
return acc.product(inputCommand(command));
}, PathSetHandler.unit());
// shortest_path_length :: (handler of PathSet) -> handler of Int
// shortest_path_length h = \s -> (h s) |> foldl ((x,y) -> min(len x,len y)) INF
export function shortestPathLength(h: PathSetHandler): Handler<number> {
return (s: Command) => {
const [paths, last] =;
return [ => x.length).reduce(
(x, y) => Math.min(x, y),
// shortest_path_length has property of shortest path length.
// shortest_path_length (inputCommands x:xs) s = shortest_path_length (inputCommands [x]) s + shortest_path_length (inputCommands xs) x
* the following assertion is always true.
* ```ts
* for (const s of ["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"] as Command[]) {
* // any path
* const paths = makeRandomSnapshotOfPath();
* const [x, ...xs] = paths;
* const s1 = shortestPathLengthRaw(inputCommands(Path.from([x])))(s)[0];
* const s2 = shortestPathLengthRaw(inputCommands(Path.from(xs)))(x)[0];
* const s3 = shortestPathLengthRaw(inputCommands(paths))(s)[0];
* assertEquals(
* s1 + s2,
* s3,
* `s: ${s}, x: ${x}, xs: ${xs}, s1: ${s1}, s2: ${s2}, s3: ${s3}`,
* );
* }
function double(xs: Path) {
return (s1: Command) => {
return (s2: Command) => {
const [pathset] = inputCommands(xs).call(s1);
return pathset.flatMap((p) => {
const [pathset2] = inputCommands(p).call(s2);
return pathset2;
// const data = double(Path.from("<A^A>^^AvvvA".split("") as Command[]))("A")("A");
// console.log( => x.toString()));
// double xs = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) (fst.inputCommands xs s1)
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap ((\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) (fst.inputCommands x:xs s1))
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) ((fst.inputCommand x; fst.inputCommands xs) s1)
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) ((move x; accept; fst.inputCommands xs) s1)
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) (
// let (p,s3) = (move x; accept; s1) in
// p \product (inputCommands xs s3)
// )
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) (
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x s1) 'A') in
// p \product (inputCommands xs s3)
// )
// = \s1 -> \s2 -> (
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x s1) 'A') in
// flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) p \product flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s2) (fst.inputCommands xs s3)
// )
// shortest_path_length \s' -> (double xs 'A' s') 'A'
// = shortest_path_length \s' -> (
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x 'A') 'A') in
// flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd s') p \product flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 's) (fst.inputCommands xs s3)
// ) 'A'
// = (
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x 'A') 'A') in
// let paths = flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 'A') p \product flatMap (\cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 'A') (fst.inputCommands xs s3)
// in
// paths |> foldl ((x,y) -> min(len x,len y)) INF
// )
// = (
// let handler2 = \cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 'A' in
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x 'A') 'A') in
// let paths = flatMap handler2 p \product flatMap handler2 (fst.inputCommands xs s3) in
// paths |> set.min (\x -> len x)
// )
// = (
// let handler2 = \cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 'A' in
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x 'A') 'A') in
// set.min (\x -> len x)
// (flatMap handler2 p \product flatMap handler2 (fst.inputCommands xs s3))
// = (
// let handler2 = \cmd -> fst.inputCommands cmd 'A' in
// let (p,s3) = (concat (move x 'A') 'A') in
// (set.min (\x -> len x)
// (flatMap handler2 p)) +
// (set.min (\x -> len x) (flatMap handler2 (fst.inputCommands xs s3))
// )
function shortL(
curPos: Command,
command: Command,
): number {
const [n] = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from([command])))(curPos);
return n;
const memo = new Map<string, number>();
function myShortestPathLength(
depth: number,
cmds: Path,
): number {
const key = cmds.toString() + depth;
if (memo.has(key)) {
return memo.get(key)!;
if (depth === 1) {
const ret = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(cmds))("A")[0];
memo.set(key, ret);
return ret;
const ret = cmds.reduce((acc, cmd) => {
const handler = inputCommand(cmd);
const [pathset, last] =;
const n = => myShortestPathLength(depth - 1, x)).reduce(
(x, y) => Math.min(x, y),
return {
last: last,
sum: acc.sum + n,
}, {
last: "A" as Command,
sum: 0,
memo.set(key, ret);
return ret;
if (import.meta.main) {
const example = Path.from("<A^A>^^AvvvA".split("") as Command[]);
console.log(myShortestPathLength(1, example));
const codes = Deno.readTextFileSync("input.txt").replaceAll("\r", "").split(
let total = 0;
for (const code of codes) {
let start = NUMPAD_FIRST_POS;
for (const num of code.split("")) {
console.log("num", num);
const numpadPaths = shortestPathesOnNumpadRobot({ pos: start }, num)
.map((p) => p.concat("A"));
if (numpadPaths.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No path found for ${num} from ${start}`);
console.log("avail path", => p.join("")));
let min = Infinity;
for (const path of numpadPaths) {
const len = myShortestPathLength(25, Path.from(path));
min = Math.min(min, len);
const n = parseInt(code.slice(0, 3));
console.log("len", min, "n", n);
total += n * min;
start = getPosFromNumpadNumber(num);
console.log("total", total);