import { BinaryHeap } from "jsr:@std/data-structures/binary-heap"; export type Map = string[][]; export async function readMap(path: string): Promise { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(path); return text.trim().split("\n").map((line) => line.trim().split("")); } export function displayMap(map: Map): void { console.log( => line.join("")).join("\n")); } export type Position = [number, number]; export type Face = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; export type RotateDir = "clockwise" | "counter-clockwise"; export function rotateFace(face: Face, dir: RotateDir): Face { if (dir === "clockwise") { return ((face + 1) % 4) as Face; } else { return ((face + 3) % 4) as Face; } } export function faceToStr(face: Face): string { return ["E", "S", "W", "N"][face]; } export function strToFace(str: string): Face { const face = ["E", "S", "W", "N"].indexOf(str); if (face === -1) { throw new Error(`Invalid face: ${str}`); } return face as Face; } export function moveForward([x, y]: Position, face: Face): Position { switch (face) { case 0: return [x + 1, y]; case 1: return [x, y + 1]; case 2: return [x - 1, y]; case 3: return [x, y - 1]; } } // S is start // E is end // # is wall // first face the east export class Solver { readonly map: Map; constructor(map: Map) { = map; } public minCost([x,y]: [number, number], face: Face): number { const heap = new BinaryHeap<[Position, Face, number]>( ([, , cost1], [, , cost2]) => cost1 - cost2 ); const visited = new Set(); heap.push([[x, y], face, 0]); while (heap.length > 0) { const [[x, y], face, cost] = heap.pop()!; if ([y][x] === "E") { return cost; } if ([y][x] === "#") { continue; } const key = `${x},${y},${face}`; if (visited.has(key)) { continue; } visited.add(key); for (const dir of ["clockwise", "counter-clockwise"] as RotateDir[]) { heap.push([[x, y], rotateFace(face, dir), cost + 1000]); } heap.push([moveForward([x, y], face), face, cost + 1]); } return -1; } findStart(): Position { for (let y = 0; y <; y++) { for (let x = 0; x <[y].length; x++) { if ([y][x] === "S") { return [x, y]; } } } throw new Error("No start found"); } } if (import.meta.main) { const map = await readMap("input.txt"); displayMap(map); const solver = new Solver(map); const start = solver.findStart(); console.log(solver.minCost(start, strToFace("E"))); }