import { BinaryHeap } from "jsr:@std/data-structures/binary-heap"; import { displayMap, readData } from "./solve_1.ts"; import { solvePart as solvePart1 } from "./solve_1.ts"; import { rgb8 } from "jsr:@std/fmt/colors"; function searchPath( map: string[][], ) { const WIDTH = map[0].length; const HEIGHT = map.length; const queue = new BinaryHeap<{ pos: [number, number]; step: number; previous: null | { pos: [number, number]; step: number }; }>((x, y) => x.step - y.step); queue.push({ pos: [0, 0], step: 0, previous: null }); const path = new Map< string, { pos: [number, number]; step: number; previous: null | { pos: [number, number]; step: number }; } >(); while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; const { pos, step } = node; const [x, y] = pos; if (x < 0 || x >= WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= HEIGHT) { continue; } if (map[y][x] === "#") { continue; } if (path.has(`${x},${y}`)) { continue; } path.set(`${x},${y}`, node); if (x === WIDTH - 1 && y === HEIGHT - 1) { return step; } queue.push({ pos: [x + 1, y], step: step + 1, previous: { pos, step }, }); queue.push({ pos: [x - 1, y], step: step + 1, previous: { pos, step }, }); queue.push({ pos: [x, y + 1], step: step + 1, previous: { pos, step }, }); queue.push({ pos: [x, y - 1], step: step + 1, previous: { pos, step }, }); } return -1; // displayMap(map); } if (import.meta.main) { // const data = await readData("example.txt"); // const WIDTH = 7; // const HEIGHT = 7; // const FALLING_BYTES = 12; const data = await readData("input.txt"); const WIDTH = 71; const HEIGHT = 71; const FALLING_BYTES = 1024; const map = new Array(HEIGHT).fill(0).map(() => new Array(WIDTH).fill(".")); for (const [x, y] of data.fallingBytes.slice(0, FALLING_BYTES)) { map[y][x] = "#"; } // search for the falling bytes that will not allow the destination to be reached let low = FALLING_BYTES; let high = data.fallingBytes.length; // binary search while (low < high) { const mid = (low + high) >>> 1; const copy = => row.slice()); for (const [x, y] of data.fallingBytes.slice(FALLING_BYTES, mid)) { copy[y][x] = "#"; } const step = searchPath(copy); if (step === -1) { high = mid; } else { low = mid + 1; } } console.log("step",low - 1); // lastest successful path const copy = => row.slice()); for (const [x, y] of data.fallingBytes.slice(0, low-1)) { copy[y][x] = "#"; } solvePart1(copy); console.log("step",low); const copy2 = => row.slice()); for (const [x, y] of data.fallingBytes.slice(1024, low)) { copy2[y][x] = "#"; } solvePart1(copy2); displayMap(copy2); console.log(data.fallingBytes[low - 1]); const [sx, sy] = data.fallingBytes[low - 1]; // print map and the falling bytes with different colors console.log(, y) => { return row .map((cell, x) => { if (cell === "#") { return rgb8(cell, 1); } if (x === sx && y === sy) { console.log("found", x, y); return rgb8("A", 2); } return cell; }) .join(""); }).join("\n") ) }