import { associateBy } from "jsr:@std/collections/" export type Map = string[][]; export type Pos = [number, number]; export function parseMap(input: string): Map { return input.replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n").map((line) => line.split("")); } export async function readMap(filename: string): Promise { return parseMap(await Deno.readTextFile(filename)); } export function toMapString(map: Map): string { return => line.join("")).join("\n"); } export function* availableNextStep( map: Map, pos: Pos, ): Generator { const [width, height] = [map[0].length, map.length]; const [x, y] = pos; for (const [dx, dy] of [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]]) { const nx = x + dx; const ny = y + dy; if (nx < 0 || nx >= width || ny < 0 || ny >= height) { continue; } if (map[ny][nx] === "#") { continue; } yield [nx, ny] as Pos; } } export function calculateNeedsSteps(map: Map, startPos: Pos): number[][] { const needsSteps = => => -1)); const [x, y] = startPos; const queue: Pos[] = [startPos]; needsSteps[y][x] = 0; while (queue.length > 0) { const [x, y] = queue.shift()!; const steps = needsSteps[y][x]; for (const [nx, ny] of availableNextStep(map, [x, y])) { // already visited and shorter path if (needsSteps[ny][nx] >= 0 && needsSteps[ny][nx] <= steps + 1) { continue; } if (steps < 0) { throw new Error("steps < 0"); } needsSteps[ny][nx] = steps + 1; queue.push([nx, ny]); } } return needsSteps; } export function printPrettyMapStep( map: Map, needsSteps: number[][], ): string { const result =, y) =>, x) => { if (char === "#") { return "#"; } const steps = needsSteps[y][x]; if (steps === -1) { return " "; } return steps.toString()[steps.toString().length - 1]; // last digit }).join("") ).join("\n"); return result; } export function findOnMap( map: Map, condition: (pos: Pos, char: string) => boolean, ): Pos[] { const result: Pos[] = []; map.forEach((line, y) => { line.forEach((char, x) => { if (condition([x, y], char)) { result.push([x, y]); } }); }); return result; } export function solve(map: Map) { const [startPos] = findOnMap(map, (_pos, char) => char === "S"); const [endPos] = findOnMap(map, (_pos, char) => char === "E"); const needsSteps = calculateNeedsSteps(map, endPos); function* jumpAvailPos( pos: Pos, ) { const [x, y] = pos; const jumps = [ [-2, 0], [2, 0], [0, -2], [0, 2], ]; for (const [dx, dy] of jumps) { const nx = x + dx; const ny = y + dy; if (nx < 0 || nx >= map[0].length || ny < 0 || ny >= map.length) { continue; } if (map[ny][nx] === "#") { continue; } yield [nx, ny] as Pos; } } function* availableJump( pos: Pos, steps: number, ): Generator<{ from: Pos; to: Pos; savedSteps: number; }> { const [x, y] = pos; for (const [jx, jy] of jumpAvailPos(pos)) { const originalSteps = needsSteps[y][x]; const cheatedSteps = needsSteps[jy][jx] + 2; if (cheatedSteps < originalSteps) { yield { from: pos, to: [jx, jy], savedSteps: originalSteps - cheatedSteps, } } } } const queue = [{ pos: startPos, steps: 0, }]; const visited = new Set(); visited.add(startPos.toString()); const ret: { from: Pos; to: Pos; savedSteps: number; }[] = []; while (queue.length > 0) { const n = queue.shift()!; const { pos: [x, y], steps, } = n; if (x === endPos[0] && y === endPos[1]) { break; } // find jump for (const jump of availableJump([x, y], steps)) { console.log(jump); ret.push(jump); } for (const nextPos of availableNextStep(map, [x, y])) { const key = nextPos.toString(); if (visited.has(key)) { continue; } visited.add(key); queue.push({ pos: nextPos, steps: steps + 1, }); } } const jumpMap = new Map< number, { from: Pos, to: Pos, savedSteps: number }[]>(); for (const jump of ret) { const key = jump.savedSteps; if (!jumpMap.has(key)) { jumpMap.set(key, []); } jumpMap.get(key)!.push(jump); } return jumpMap; } if (import.meta.main) { const map = await readMap("input.txt"); console.log(toMapString(map)); const [endPos] = findOnMap(map, (_pos, char) => char === "E"); const needsSteps = calculateNeedsSteps(map, endPos); console.log(printPrettyMapStep(map, needsSteps)); const jpm = solve(map); const keys = Array.from(jpm.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b).filter((key) => key >= 100); const count = keys.reduce((acc, key) => acc + jpm.get(key)!.length, 0); console.log(count); }