import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert/equals"; import { availableShortestPaths, Command, inputCommand, inputCommands, Path, PathSetHandler, shortestPathLength, } from "./solve_2.ts"; Deno.test("availableShortestPaths - blocked", () => { const paths = availableShortestPaths("<", "^"); assertEquals( => x.toString()), [">^"]); }); Deno.test("availableShortestPaths - common", () => { const paths = availableShortestPaths(">", "^"); assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), ["<^", "^<"].sort()); }); Deno.test("Path - length", () => { const path = new Path(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"]); assertEquals(path.length, 5); }); Deno.test("Path - execute", () => { const path = new Path(["<", "v", "A", ">", "A"]); const ret: Command[] = []; path.execute("A", (c) => { ret.push(c); }); assertEquals(ret.join(""), "v>"); }); Deno.test("Path - concat", () => { const path = new Path(["<", "v", "A", ">", "A"]); assertEquals(path.concat("^").toString(), "A^"); }); Deno.test("PathHandler - coproduct", () => { const lhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["A"])]); const rhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["v"])]); const set = lhs.coproduct(rhs); const [m, _] =">"); assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), [ "A", "v", ].sort(), ); }); Deno.test("PathHandler - product", () => { const lhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["A"])]); const rhs = PathSetHandler.fromPathSet([Path.from(["v"])]); const set = lhs.product(rhs); const [m, _] =">"); assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), [ "Av", ].sort(), ); }); Deno.test("inputCommand", () => { const handler = inputCommand("^"); const [m, a] =">"); assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), [ "<^A", "^ { const handler = inputCommands(Path.from([">", "A"])); const [m, a] =">"); assertEquals( => x.toString()).sort(), [ "A^A", ].sort(), ); }); Deno.test("shortestPathLength", () => { const inputcmdsShort = (start: Command, cmds: Command[]) => shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from(cmds)))(start)[0]; assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A"])), 1); assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A", ">"])), 3); assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["A", ">", "^"])), 6); assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["<"])), 4); assertEquals(inputcmdsShort("A", (["<", "A"])), 8); }); Deno.test("shortestPathLength - property", () => { // random path list const pathes = [ Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"]), Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v"]), Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v", "<"]), Path.from(["^", "v", "<", ">", "A", "v", "<", ">"]), Path.from(["A", "v", "v", ">", ">", "v", ">", "v"]), ]; for (const paths of pathes) { for (const s of ["^", "v", "<", ">", "A"] as Command[]) { const [x, ...xs] = paths; const s1 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from([x])))(s)[0]; const s2 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(Path.from(xs)))(x)[0]; const s3 = shortestPathLength(inputCommands(paths))(s)[0]; assertEquals( s1 + s2, s3, `s: ${s}, x: ${x}, xs: ${xs}, s1: ${s1}, s2: ${s2}, s3: ${s3}`, ); } } });