import { Client as ElasticsearchClient, SearchHit } from ""; import { config } from ""; import { Doc } from "../doc_load/load.ts"; const env = await config({ export: true }); const client = new ElasticsearchClient({ node: "https://localhost:9200", auth: { username: env["ELASTIC_USERNAME"], password: env["ELASTIC_PASSWORD"], } }); export interface RepoData { name: string; author: string; description: string; url: string; stars: number; forks: number; tags: string[]; readme: string; } function docToRepoData(doc: Doc): RepoData { return { name:, author:, description: doc.desc, url: doc.url, stars:, forks: doc.fork, tags: doc.tags, readme: doc.readme, }; } export const SAMPLE_DATA: RepoData[] = [ { name: "deno", author: "denoland", description: "A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.", url: "", stars: 10000, forks: 1000, tags: ["deno", "runtime", "typescript"], readme: `# Deno 🦕 Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust. `, }, { name: "deno_std", author: "denoland", description: "Standard modules for the Deno runtime.", url: "", stars: 1000, forks: 100, tags: ["deno", "runtime", "typescript"], readme: `# Deno Standard Modules 🦕 This repository contains the standard modules that are provided by default with Deno. `, }, { name: "deno_website2", author: "maximousblk", description: "The new website.", url: "", stars: 100, forks: 10, tags: ["deno", "website", "typescript"], readme: `# Deno Website 2 🦕 The new website. `, } ] export const getRepos = async (): Promise => { const res = await{ target: "github-awesome", body: { query: { match_all: {}, }, sort: [ { "star": "desc" }, ] }, }) return SearchHit) => docToRepoData(hit._source)); } export interface SearchOptions { /** * The limit of results to return. * @default 10 * @minimum 1 * @maximum 100 */ limit?: number; /** * The offset of results to return. * @default 0 */ offset?: number; } export async function searchRepos(query: string, options?: SearchOptions): Promise { const res = await{ target: "github-awesome", body: { query: { multi_match: { query, fields: ["name", "desc", "readme", "tags", "author"], }, }, sort: [ "_score", { "star": "desc" }, ], from: options?.offset, size: options?.limit, }, }); //console.log(res); return SearchHit) => docToRepoData(hit._source)); }