import { join, Node, parse, Project, resolve } from "./src/dev/deps.ts"; import { error } from "./src/dev/error.ts"; import { freshImports, twindImports } from "./src/dev/imports.ts"; import { collect, ensureMinDenoVersion, generate } from "./src/dev/mod.ts"; ensureMinDenoVersion(); const help = `fresh-update Update a Fresh project. This updates dependencies and optionally performs code mods to update a project's source code to the latest recommended patterns. To upgrade a projecct in the current directory, run: fresh-update . USAGE: fresh-update `; const flags = parse(Deno.args, {}); if (flags._.length !== 1) { error(help); } const unresolvedDirectory = Deno.args[0]; const resolvedDirectory = resolve(unresolvedDirectory); // Update dependencies in the import map. const IMPORT_MAP_PATH = join(resolvedDirectory, "import_map.json"); let importMapText = await Deno.readTextFile(IMPORT_MAP_PATH); const importMap = JSON.parse(importMapText); freshImports(importMap.imports); if (importMap.imports["twind"]) { twindImports(importMap.imports); } importMapText = JSON.stringify(importMap, null, 2); await Deno.writeTextFile(IMPORT_MAP_PATH, importMapText); // Code mod for classic JSX -> automatic JSX. const JSX_CODEMOD = `This project is using the classic JSX transform. Would you like to update to the automatic JSX transform? This will remove the /** @jsx h */ pragma from your source code and add the jsx: "react-jsx" compiler option to your deno.json file.`; const DENO_JSON_PATH = join(resolvedDirectory, "deno.json"); let denoJsonText = await Deno.readTextFile(DENO_JSON_PATH); const denoJson = JSON.parse(denoJsonText); if (denoJson.compilerOptions?.jsx !== "react-jsx" && confirm(JSX_CODEMOD)) { console.log("Updating config file..."); denoJson.compilerOptions = denoJson.compilerOptions || {}; denoJson.compilerOptions.jsx = "react-jsx"; denoJson.compilerOptions.jsxImportSource = "preact"; denoJsonText = JSON.stringify(denoJson, null, 2); await Deno.writeTextFile(DENO_JSON_PATH, denoJsonText); const project = new Project(); const sfs = project.addSourceFilesAtPaths( join(resolvedDirectory, "**", "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"), ); for (const sf of sfs) { for (const d of sf.getImportDeclarations()) { if (d.getModuleSpecifierValue() !== "preact") continue; for (const n of d.getNamedImports()) { const name = n.getName(); if (name === "h" || name === "Fragment") n.remove(); } if ( d.getNamedImports().length === 0 && d.getNamespaceImport() === undefined && d.getDefaultImport() === undefined ) { d.remove(); } } let text = sf.getFullText(); text = text.replaceAll("/** @jsx h */\n", ""); text = text.replaceAll("/** @jsxFrag Fragment */\n", ""); sf.replaceWithText(text); await; } } // Code mod for class={tw`border`} to class="border". const TWIND_CODEMOD = `This project is using an old version of the twind integration. Would you like to update to the new twind plugin? This will remove the 'class={tw\`border\`}' boilerplate from your source code replace it with the simpler 'class="border"'.`; if (importMap.imports["@twind"] && confirm(TWIND_CODEMOD)) { await Deno.remove(join(resolvedDirectory, importMap.imports["@twind"])); delete importMap.imports["@twind"]; importMapText = JSON.stringify(importMap, null, 2); await Deno.writeTextFile(IMPORT_MAP_PATH, importMapText); const MAIN_TS = `/// /// /// /// /// import { start } from "$fresh/server.ts"; import manifest from "./fresh.gen.ts"; import twindPlugin from "$fresh/plugins/twind.ts"; import twindConfig from "./twind.config.ts"; await start(manifest, { plugins: [twindPlugin(twindConfig)] });\n`; const MAIN_TS_PATH = join(resolvedDirectory, "main.ts"); await Deno.writeTextFile(MAIN_TS_PATH, MAIN_TS); const TWIND_CONFIG_TS = `import { Options } from "$fresh/plugins/twind.ts"; export default { selfURL: import.meta.url, } as Options; `; await Deno.writeTextFile( join(resolvedDirectory, "twind.config.ts"), TWIND_CONFIG_TS, ); const project = new Project(); const sfs = project.addSourceFilesAtPaths( join(resolvedDirectory, "**", "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"), ); for (const sf of sfs) { const nodes = sf.forEachDescendantAsArray(); for (const n of nodes) { if (!n.wasForgotten() && Node.isJsxAttribute(n)) { const init = n.getInitializer(); const name = n.getName(); if ( Node.isJsxExpression(init) && (name === "class" || name === "className") ) { const expr = init.getExpression(); if (Node.isTaggedTemplateExpression(expr)) { const tag = expr.getTag(); if (Node.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.getText() === "tw") { const template = expr.getTemplate(); if (Node.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(template)) { n.setInitializer(`"${template.getLiteralValue()}"`); } } } else if (expr?.getFullText() === `tw(props.class ?? "")`) { n.setInitializer(`{props.class}`); } } } } const text = sf.getFullText(); const removeTw = [...text.matchAll(/tw[,\s`(]/g)].length === 1; for (const d of sf.getImportDeclarations()) { if (d.getModuleSpecifierValue() !== "@twind") continue; for (const n of d.getNamedImports()) { const name = n.getName(); if (name === "tw" && removeTw) n.remove(); } d.setModuleSpecifier("twind"); if ( d.getNamedImports().length === 0 && d.getNamespaceImport() === undefined && d.getDefaultImport() === undefined ) { d.remove(); } } await; } } const manifest = await collect(resolvedDirectory); await generate(resolvedDirectory, manifest);