import { Command } from ""; import { prepareSecretKey } from "./util/secret.ts"; export const key_out_cmd = new Command();"keyout") .description("Output the secret key.") .option( "-f, --file ", "The file to output the key to. (default: stdout)", ) .option("--dotenv", "Output the key in dotenv format.") .action(async ({ file, dotenv }) => { const key = await prepareSecretKey(); const keyout = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key); let out = JSON.stringify(keyout); if (dotenv) { out = [`SECRET_KEY='${out}'`].join("\n"); } if (file) { await Deno.writeTextFile(file, out); } else { console.log(out); } }); if (import.meta.main) { await key_out_cmd.parse(Deno.args); }