import { Command } from ""; import { Index } from "./src/client_search.ts"; import { DocCollector, loadDocuments } from "./src/collect.ts"; export async function collectDocuments(path: string, out: string) { const collector = new DocCollector({ summaryOnly: true, dropContent: true }); await collector.walkDir(path); const docs = collector.getDocs(); await Deno.writeTextFile(out, JSON.stringify(docs)); } export async function watchDocuments(doc: string, options?: { abort?: AbortSignal; }) { const doc_dump = await loadDocuments(doc); const collector = new DocCollector({ summaryOnly: true, dropContent: true }); collector.setDocs(doc_dump); const index = Index.createIndex(doc_dump); async function update() { index.setDocs(collector.getDocs()); await Deno.writeTextFile(doc, JSON.stringify(collector.getDocs())); } collector.watchDir(".", { async onAdd(doc) { console.log("onAdd :", doc.path); await update(); }, async onRemove(path) { console.log("onRemove :", path); await update(); }, async onChange(doc) { console.log("onModify :", doc.path); await update(); }, abort: options?.abort, }); return index; } export const search = new Command();"search") .description("Search for a document.") .command("collect", "Collect a document.") .description("Collect documents and index documents.") .arguments("") .option("-o, --out ", "out file to write the index to.", { default: "collected_docs.json", }) .action(async ({ out }, path: string) => { console.log("collecting", path); await collectDocuments(path, out); }) .command("search", "Search for a document.") .description("Search for a document.") .arguments("") .option("-d, --docs ", "collected document file to search", { default: "collected_docs.json", }) .action(async ({ docs }, query: string) => { console.log("searching", query); const doc_dump = await loadDocuments(docs); const results = Index.createIndex(doc_dump).search(query); console.log(results); }) .command("interact", "watch the index and search for a document.") .description("watch the index and search for a document.") .option("-d, --doc ", "doc file to read the docs from.", { default: "collected_docs.json", }) .action(async ({ doc }) => { console.log("interacting"); const index = await watchDocuments(doc); // interact while (true) { const query = await prompt("query: "); if (query === null) { continue; } if (query === ":exit") { break; } const results =; console.log(results); } }); if (import.meta.main) { await search.parse(Deno.args); }