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2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
type token_type =
| Eof
| Identifier of string
| Digit of string
| Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
| Mod
| Pow
| LParen
| RParen
| Equal
| Arrow
| Colon
| Let
| In
| If
| Then
| Else
| Fun
| Comment of string
| Fail of string
let op = [
Add, "+";
Sub, "-";
Mul, "*";
Div, "/";
Mod, "%";
Pow, "^";
] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let op2str op = Hashtbl.find op
let symbol = [
LParen, "(";
RParen, ")";
Equal, "=";
Arrow, "->";
Colon, ":";
] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let keywordTable = [
Let, "let";
In, "in";
If, "if";
Then, "then";
Else, "else";
Fun, "fun";
] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let str2keywordTable = keywordTable
|> Hashtbl.to_seq
|> (fun (x, y) -> (y, x))
|> Hashtbl.of_seq
let keyword2str keyword = Hashtbl.find keywordTable keyword
let str2keyword str = Hashtbl.find_opt str2keywordTable str
type t = {
(* token type *)
token_type: token_type;
(* start position *)
pos: int;