Improve operator lexing

This commit is contained in:
백현웅 2022-01-18 15:36:09 +09:00
parent 4efb65c5cd
commit 20e324f4c2
3 changed files with 27 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,21 @@ let is_ident_start =
let is_ident =
either is_ident_start is_digit
let expect_token str tok seq =
let rec aux ts seq =
match ts (), seq () with
| Seq.Nil, _ -> Some seq
| Seq.Cons _, Seq.Nil -> None
| Seq.Cons (a, ts), Seq.Cons (b, seq) ->
if a = b then aux ts seq else None
let str = String.to_seq str in
aux str seq |> (fun s -> tok, s)
let find_token seq =
!Token.tokens |> List.find_map
(fun (s, t) -> expect_token s t seq)
(* same as take_while f seq, drop_while f seq *)
let rec partition_while f seq : 'a Seq.t * 'a Seq.t =
match seq () with

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@ -31,14 +31,18 @@ let is_left_to_right = function
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div -> true
| _ -> assert false
let token_to_op = function
| Token.Plus -> Add
| Minus -> Sub
| Asterisk -> Mul
| Slash -> Div
| Carret -> Exp
| Percent -> Mod
| _ -> failwith "Parser.token_to_op"
let operators = [
Token.Plus, Add;
Minus, Sub;
Asterisk, Mul;
Slash, Div;
Carret, Exp;
Percent, Mod;
] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let token_to_op tok =
try Hashtbl.find operators tok
with _ -> failwith "Parser.token_to_op"
(* common parsers *)

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@ -22,21 +22,6 @@ let tokens = ref [
")", RParen;
let expect_token str tok seq =
let rec aux ts seq =
match ts (), seq () with
| Seq.Nil, _ -> Some seq
| Seq.Cons _, Seq.Nil -> None
| Seq.Cons (a, ts), Seq.Cons (b, seq) ->
if a = b then aux ts seq else None
let str = String.to_seq str in
aux str seq |> (fun s -> tok, s)
let find_token seq =
!tokens |> List.find_map
(fun (s, t) -> expect_token s t seq)
let to_string = function
| Int n -> Printf.sprintf "[int: %d]" n
| Float n -> Printf.sprintf "[float: %f]" n