Few things

This commit is contained in:
백현웅 2022-01-11 01:05:29 +09:00
parent dae562047c
commit 6444f413ca
4 changed files with 47 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type t =
| Value of typ
| Binop of t * binop * t
| Set_binop_pre of binop * t
| Get_binop_pre of binop
let value v = Value v
@ -45,5 +46,7 @@ let print ast =
pr "(set_pre %s " (binop_to_string op);
aux pre;
pr ")"
| Get_binop_pre op ->
pr "(get_pre %s)" (binop_to_string op)
aux ast; pr "\n"

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
open Ast
let intop f a b =
let arith f a b =
match a, b with
| Int a, Int b -> Int (f a b)
| _ -> failwith "typecheck failed"
let binop_to_func = function
| Add -> intop Int.add
| Sub -> intop Int.sub
| Mul -> intop Int.mul
| Div -> intop Int.div
| Add -> arith Int.add
| Sub -> arith Int.sub
| Mul -> arith Int.mul
| Div -> arith Int.div
let rec eval = function
| Value v -> v
@ -18,5 +18,7 @@ let rec eval = function
f (eval l) (eval r)
| Set_binop_pre (op, l) ->
let l = match eval l with Int n -> n | _ -> failwith "not int" in
Hashtbl.replace Parser.precedence (Ast.binop_to_string op) l;
Hashtbl.replace Parser.precedence op l;
| Get_binop_pre op ->
Int (Hashtbl.find Parser.precedence op)

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let rec repl () : unit =
printf "> ";
let line = read_line () in
if line <> "quit" then begin
|> Lex.tokenize
|> Parser.parse
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let rec repl () : unit =
|> Ast.typ_to_string
|> printf "%s\n"
| e -> print_error e;
| e -> print_error e);
repl ()

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
open Ast
module S = Set.Make(String)
exception Expected of string
exception Unexpected_token of string
@ -14,14 +16,14 @@ let unexpected_token t =
* precedency, but infering precedence relation from the graph is hard
* and the graph can be made to have loops, I just used plain table. *)
let precedence = [
"+", 10;
"-", 10;
"*", 20;
"/", 20;
Add, 10;
Sub, 10;
Mul, 20;
Div, 20;
] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let precedence_of op =
Hashtbl.find precedence (Ast.binop_to_string op)
Hashtbl.find precedence op
let is_left_to_right = function
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div -> true
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ let parse ts =
| Token.Plus | Minus | Asterisk | Slash as op ->
let op = token_to_op op in
let o = precedence_of op in
if o > pre then
if o > pre then (* op has to be calculated first *)
let v, seq = value seq in
let right, seq = binop o v seq in
binop pre (Ast.binop left op right) seq
@ -62,6 +64,16 @@ let parse ts =
| _ -> unexpected_token x
and ident set seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil ->
let msg = "ident " ^ (S.elements set |> String.concat " or ") in
expected msg
| Seq.Cons (x, seq) -> begin match x with
| Token.Ident id when S.mem id set -> id, seq
| _ -> unexpected_token x
and operator seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil -> expected "operator"
@ -69,22 +81,20 @@ let parse ts =
try token_to_op x, seq with
| _ -> expected "operator"
and set_conf seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil -> expected "ident"
| Seq.Cons (x, seq) -> begin match x with
| Token.Ident "level" ->
and level seq =
let id, seq = ident (S.of_list ["get"; "set"]) seq in
let op, seq = operator seq in
if id = "get" then
Get_binop_pre op, seq
let v, seq = value seq in
Set_binop_pre (op, v), seq
| _ -> expected "argument"
and expr seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil -> Value Unit, Seq.empty (* nop *)
| Seq.Cons (x, s) -> begin match x with
| Ident "set" -> set_conf s
| Ident "level" -> level s
| _ ->
let left, seq = value seq in
binop ~-1 left seq