Add basic function evaluation

This commit is contained in:
백현웅 2022-01-29 20:01:48 +09:00
parent b699ed6b2f
commit c33fd366ee
4 changed files with 60 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ type t =
| Let of string * t
| Unary of Operator.t * t
| Binop of t * Operator.t * t
| Apply of t * t list
| Set_binop_pre of Operator.t * t
| Get_binop_pre of Operator.t
| Set_binop_aso of Operator.t * string
@ -132,17 +133,16 @@ let print ast =
| Value n -> pv n
| Var v -> pr "%s" v
| Let (v, e) ->
pr "(let %s " v;
aux e;
pr ")"
| Unary (op, t) -> begin
pr "(let %s " v; aux e; pr ")"
| Unary (op, t) ->
let op = Operator.to_string op in
pr "(%s " op; aux t; pr ")";
| Binop (left, op, right) -> begin
pr "(%s " op; aux t; pr ")"
| Binop (left, op, right) ->
let op = Operator.to_string op in
pr "(%s " op; aux left; pr " "; aux right; pr ")";
pr "(%s " op; aux left; pr " "; aux right; pr ")"
| Apply (f, args) ->
pr "("; List.iter aux @@ f::args; pr ")"
| Set_binop_pre (op, pre) ->
pr "(set_pre %s " (Operator.to_string op);
aux pre;

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ open Ast.Value
exception No_operation
exception No_such_variable of string
exception No_such_function of string
let resolve_type op tp =
let optypes = Operator.get_types op in
@ -37,6 +38,25 @@ let rec binop op l r =
| Some f -> f l r
let deg r =
r *. 180. /. Float.pi
let rad d =
d /. 180. *. Float.pi
let floatfun f = function
| Float n -> Float (f n)
| v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v)
let apply f args =
match f, args with
| "sin", [n] -> floatfun Float.sin n
| "cos", [n] -> floatfun Float.cos n
| "tan", [n] -> floatfun Float.tan n
| "deg", [n] -> floatfun deg n
| "rad", [n] -> floatfun rad n
| _ -> raise @@ No_such_function f
let eval vars ast =
let rec aux = function
| Value v -> v
@ -55,6 +75,13 @@ let eval vars ast =
let v = aux e in
Hashtbl.replace vars var v;
| Apply (v, args) ->
let args = aux args in
begin match v with
| Var id -> apply id args
| _ -> assert false
| Set_binop_pre (op, l) ->
let l =
match aux l with

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ let error_to_string e =
| Parser.Unexpected_token t -> sprintf "unexpected token \"%s\"" t
| Ast.Invalid_type t -> sprintf "invalid type %s" (Ast.Type.to_string t)
| Eval.No_such_variable v -> sprintf "no such variable %s" v
| Eval.No_such_function f -> sprintf "no such function \"%s\"" f
| Failure f -> sprintf "error on %s" f
| Division_by_zero -> "cannot divide by zero"
| _ -> raise e

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@ -117,13 +117,28 @@ let oneof fs seq =
aux fs
let either f g = fun seq ->
try f seq with _ -> g seq
let (@>) f g = fun seq ->
let a, seq = f seq in
g a seq
let more f seq =
let rec aux xs seq =
let x, seq = f seq in
aux (x::xs) seq
| _ -> xs, seq
let xs, seq = aux [] seq in
List.rev xs, seq
(* expr := level
* | assoc
* | let
* | apply
* | value binop_right
let rec expr pre seq =
@ -131,9 +146,8 @@ let rec expr pre seq =
(* TODO: merge these two *)
unary @> binop pre;
value @> binop pre;
(either unary value) @> binop pre;
(* level := "level" {"get" | "set"} [op] *)
@ -170,6 +184,12 @@ and let_value seq =
let e, seq = expr min_int seq in
Let (id, e), seq
(* apply := ident [value]* *)
and apply seq =
let id, seq = any_ident seq in
let args, seq = more value seq in
Apply (Var id, args), seq
(* unary := - value *)
and unary seq =
let op, seq =