open Ast (* resulting value of eval *) type value = | Unit | Int of int | Float of float | Bool of bool | String of string | Symbol of string (* (name), bound variables, expression, environment *) | Function of string option * string list * expr * env | External of string and expr = Ast.t (* environment for eval *) and env = Env of (string * value) list (* TODO: add proper type system *) module Type = struct type t = | Unit | Int | Float | Bool | String | Symbol | Function | External | Any exception Invalid of t exception Expected of t let to_string = function | Unit -> "unit" | Int -> "int" | Float -> "float" | Bool -> "bool" | String -> "string" | Symbol -> "symbol" | Function -> "fun" | External -> "external" | Any -> "any" let supertype = function | Int -> Some Float | _ -> None let matches : t -> t -> bool = function | Any -> Fun.const true | t -> fun o -> o = t || o = Any end module Value = struct type t = value let to_string = function | Unit -> "()" | Int n -> string_of_int n | Float n -> string_of_float n | Bool b -> string_of_bool b | String s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" | Symbol s -> "#" ^ s | Function _ -> "" | External f -> "external " ^ f let typeof = function | Unit -> Type.Unit | Int _ -> Int | Float _ -> Float | Bool _ -> Bool | String _ -> String | Symbol _ -> Symbol | Function _ -> Function | External _ -> External let promote = function | Int n -> Float (float n) | _ -> failwith "Value.promote" end module Env = struct type t = env let empty = Env [] let get_opt (Env e) name = List.assoc_opt name e let bind v (Env e) = Env (v::e) let bind_seq seq (Env e) = Env (List.of_seq seq @ e) end (* primitive methods *) module Primitive = struct let negate = function | [Int n] -> Int ~-n | [Float n] -> Float ~-.n | _ -> failwith "Operator.negate" let vi f = function | [Int a; Int b] -> Int (f a b) | _ -> raise @@ Type.Invalid Int let vf f = function | [Float a; Float b] -> Float (f a b) | _ -> raise @@ Type.Expected Float let compare = function | [Int a; Int b] -> a b | [Float a; Float b] -> a b | [Bool a; Bool b] -> a b | [String a; String b] -> a b | [Symbol a; Symbol b] -> a b | _ -> invalid_arg "" let eq vs = Bool (compare vs = 0) let neq vs = Bool (compare vs <> 0) let ge vs = Bool (compare vs >= 0) let le vs = Bool (compare vs <= 0) let gt vs = Bool (compare vs > 0) let lt vs = Bool (compare vs < 0) let rad r = r *. 180. /. Float.pi let deg d = d /. 180. *. Float.pi let floatfun f = [Type.Float], function | [Float n] -> Float (f n) | _ -> invalid_arg "External.floatfun" let symbol_to_op op = op |> String.to_seqi |> Lex.find_token |> Option.get |> fst |> Parser.token_to_op let set_op_pre = function | [Symbol op; Int l] -> let op = symbol_to_op op in Hashtbl.replace Parser.precedence op l; Unit | _ -> failwith "set_op_pre" let get_op_pre = function | [Symbol op] -> let op = symbol_to_op op in Int (Hashtbl.find Parser.precedence op) | _ -> failwith "get_op_pre" let set_op_assoc = function | [Symbol op; String a] -> let op = symbol_to_op op in Hashtbl.replace Parser.oper_assoc op @@ Parser.assoc_of_string a; Unit | _ -> failwith "set_op_assoc" let get_op_assoc = function | [Symbol op] -> let op = symbol_to_op op in Hashtbl.find_opt Parser.oper_assoc op |> Option.value ~default: Parser.Left_to_right |> (fun a -> String (Parser.assoc_to_string a)) | _ -> failwith "get_op_assoc" let print args = let to_string = function | Int n -> string_of_int n | Float n -> string_of_float n | Bool b -> string_of_bool b | String s -> s | Symbol s -> s | _ -> failwith "print" in to_string args |> List.iter (Printf.printf "%s"); Unit let println args = ignore @@ print args; Printf.printf "\n"; Unit let methods = let open Type in let ip = [Int; Int] and fp = [Float; Float] in let number f = [ip, f; fp, f] in [ "+", [ip, vi Int.add; fp, vf Float.add]; "-", [ip, vi Int.sub; fp, vf Float.sub; [Int], negate; [Float], negate]; "*", [ip, vi Int.mul; fp, vf Float.mul]; "/", [ip, vi Int.div; fp, vf Float.div]; "%", [ip, vi Int.rem; fp, vf Float.rem]; "^", [fp, vf Float.pow]; "=", number eq; "<>", number neq; ">=", number ge; "<=", number le; ">", number gt; "<", number lt; "sin", [floatfun Float.sin]; "cos", [floatfun Float.cos]; "tan", [floatfun Float.tan]; "deg", [floatfun deg]; "rad", [floatfun rad]; "set_op_pre", [[Symbol; Int], set_op_pre]; "get_op_pre", [[Symbol], get_op_pre]; "set_op_assoc", [[Symbol; String], set_op_assoc]; "get_op_assoc", [[Symbol], get_op_assoc]; "print", [[Any], print]; "println", [[Any], println]; ] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq let get op = Hashtbl.find methods op end (* find_method returns a method and (corresponding) type list that * satisfies ts. *) let find_method m ts = let open List in let filter_type t i = filter (fun (ts, _) -> nth_opt ts i |> (Type.matches t) |> Option.value ~default: false) in let rec aux ms i = function | [] -> nth_opt ms 0 | t::ts -> (match aux (filter_type t i ms) (i+1) ts with | None -> Option.bind (Type.supertype t) (fun t -> aux ms i (t::ts)) | Some _ as x -> x) in let ms = let len = length ts in Primitive.get m |> filter (fun (ts, _) -> length ts = len) in aux ms 0 ts let promote_values = let rec promote_until t v = if Type.matches t @@ Value.typeof v then v else promote_until t @@ Value.promote v in List.map2 promote_until exception No_such_method of string * Type.t let no_such m v = raise @@ No_such_method (m, Value.typeof v) let unary op v = match find_method op [Value.typeof v] with | None -> no_such op v | Some (ts, f) -> let vs = promote_values ts [v] in f vs let binop op l r = let open Value in match find_method op [typeof l; typeof r] with | None -> no_such op l | Some (ts, f) -> let vs = promote_values ts [l; r] in f vs let extern f args = match find_method f ( Value.typeof args) with | None -> no_such f (List.hd args) | Some (ts, f) -> let vs = promote_values ts args in f vs exception Unbound of string exception Noop let rec eval global env ast = let aux = eval global env in (* eval with current env *) match ast with | Nothing -> raise Noop | Nunit -> Unit | Nint n -> Int n | Nfloat n -> Float n | Nbool b -> Bool b | Nstring s -> String s | Nsymbol s -> Symbol s | Nfunction (arg, e) -> Function (None, arg, e, env) | Nexternal f -> External f | Var v -> begin match Env.get_opt env v with | None -> (try Hashtbl.find global v with Not_found -> raise @@ Unbound v) | Some v -> v end | Letin (v, e, f) -> let env = Env.bind (v, aux e) env in eval global env f | Unary (op, v) -> unary op (aux v) | Binop (l, op, r) -> binop op (aux l) (aux r) | If (co, th, el) -> begin match aux co with | Bool true -> aux th | Bool false -> aux el | v -> raise @@ Type.Invalid (Value.typeof v) end | Apply (v, args) -> let args = (eval global env) args in apply global env v args | _ -> failwith "Eval.eval" (* apply args to result of expr *) and apply global env expr args = match eval global env expr with | Function (itself, vars, body, local_env) as f -> begin match args with | [] -> f | args -> (* bind arguments to variables *) let rec aux e = function | [], [] -> [], [], e | vars, [] -> vars, [], e | [], args -> [], args, e | v::vars, a::args -> let e = Env.bind (v, a) e in aux e (vars, args) in let vars, args, env = aux local_env (vars, args) in let env = (* binding itself into env for recursion *) itself |> Option.fold ~none: env ~some: (fun n -> Env.bind (n, f) env) in if vars <> [] then (* partially-applied function *) Function (None, vars, body, env) else if args <> [] then (* reapply *) apply global env body args else (* eval (vars = [], args = []) *) eval global env body end | External f -> extern f args | v -> if args = [] then v else raise @@ Type.Invalid (Value.typeof v) (* toplevel for global let *) let eval_top global ast = let var, v = match ast with | Let (var, Nfunction (arg, e)) -> (* named function *) var, Function (Some var, arg, e, Env.empty) | Let (var, e) -> var, eval global Env.empty e | ast -> "-", eval global Env.empty ast in if var <> "-" then Hashtbl.replace global var v; var, v