open Ast open Env open Env.Value exception No_operation exception No_such_variable of string exception No_such_function of string exception Invalid_type of Type.t exception Too_many_arguments (* operators *) module Operator = struct type t = Ast.operator exception Unavailable of t let to_string = Ast.op_to_string let negate = function | Int n -> Int ~-n | Float n -> Float ~-.n | _ -> failwith "Operator.negate" let vi f a b = match a, b with | Int a, Int b -> Int (f a b) | _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Int let vf f a b = match a, b with | Float a, Float b -> Float (f a b) | _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Float let operators = let open Type in let ip = Int, Int and fp = Float, Float in [ Add, [ip, vi Int.add; fp, vf Float.add]; Sub, [ip, vi Int.sub; fp, vf Float.sub]; Mul, [ip, vi Int.mul; fp, vf Float.mul]; Div, [ip, vi Int.div; fp, vf Float.div]; Mod, [ip, vi Int.rem; fp, vf Float.rem]; Exp, [fp, vf Float.pow]; ] |> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq let get_types op = match Hashtbl.find_opt operators op with | None -> raise @@ Unavailable op | Some p -> fst p let get_unary = function | Negate -> negate | op -> raise @@ Unavailable op let get_binary op typ = Hashtbl.find operators op |> List.assoc_opt typ end let assert_same_length vars args = let vl = List.length vars and al = List.length args in if vl > al then failwith "assert_same_length" else if vl < al then raise Too_many_arguments let resolve_type op tp = let optypes = Operator.get_types op in let q = Queue.create () in let rec aux (t1, t2) = if List.mem (t1, t2) optypes then t1, t2 else begin [ Type.supertype t1 |> (fun t1 -> t1, t2); Type.supertype t2 |> (fun t2 -> t1, t2); ] |> List.filter_map |> List.iter (Fun.flip Queue.push q); aux @@ Queue.pop q end in aux tp let rec binop op l r = let t1 = typeof l and t2 = typeof r in let t1, t2 = resolve_type op (t1, t2) in let rec promote_until t x = if typeof x = t then x else promote_until t (promote x) in let l = promote_until t1 l and r = promote_until t2 r in match Operator.get_binary op (t1, t2) with | None -> begin try binop op (promote l) (promote r) with _ -> raise No_operation end | Some f -> f l r let deg r = r *. 180. /. Float.pi let rad d = d /. 180. *. Float.pi let floatfun f = function | Float n -> Float (f n) | v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v) let ex_apply f args = match f, args with | "sin", [n] -> floatfun Float.sin n | "cos", [n] -> floatfun Float.cos n | "tan", [n] -> floatfun Float.tan n | "deg", [n] -> floatfun deg n | "rad", [n] -> floatfun rad n | _ -> raise @@ No_such_function f let rec eval env ast = let rec aux = function | Nint n -> Int n | Nfloat n -> Float n | Nstring s -> String s | Nfunction (args, e) -> Function (args, e) | Nexternal f -> External f | Var v -> begin match Env.get_opt env v with | None -> raise @@ No_such_variable v | Some v -> v end | Unary (op, t) -> let t = aux t in let op = Operator.get_unary op in op t | Binop (l, op, r) -> let l = aux l and r = aux r in binop op l r | Let (var, e) -> let v = aux e in Env.set env var v; v | Apply (v, args) -> begin match aux v with | Function (vars, e) -> assert_same_length vars args; let args = aux args in let nenv = Env.make env in List.combine vars args |> List.iter (fun (v, a) -> Env.set nenv v a); eval nenv e | External f -> let args = aux args in ex_apply f args | v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v) end | Set_binop_pre (op, l) -> let l = match aux l with | Int n -> n | v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v) in Hashtbl.replace Parser.precedence op l; Nop | Get_binop_pre op -> Int (Hashtbl.find Parser.precedence op) | Set_binop_aso (op, a) -> Hashtbl.replace Parser.oper_assoc op @@ Parser.assoc_of_string a; Nop | Get_binop_aso op -> match Hashtbl.find_opt Parser.oper_assoc op with | None -> String "left" | Some a -> String (Parser.assoc_to_string a) in aux ast