open Token

exception Invalid_character of int * char
exception Expected of int * char

let invalid_char col c = raise @@ Invalid_character (col, c)
let expected col c = raise @@ Expected (col, c)

let either f g c =
  f c || g c

let is_digit c =
  '0' <= c && c <= '9'

let is_num = function
  | 'x' -> true
  | '.' -> true
  | c -> is_digit c

let is_whitespace = function
  | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' -> true
  | _ -> false

let is_alpha c =
  ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')

let is_ident_start =
  either is_alpha ((=) '_')

let is_ident =
  either is_ident_start is_digit

let expect_char col c seq =
  match seq () with
  | Seq.Nil -> expected col c
  | Seq.Cons ((_, x), seq) ->
    if x = c then seq else expected col c

let expect_token str tok seq =
  let rec aux ts seq =
    match ts (), seq () with
    | Seq.Nil, _ -> Some seq
    | Seq.Cons _, Seq.Nil -> None
    | Seq.Cons (a, ts), Seq.Cons ((_, b), seq) ->
      if a = b then aux ts seq else None
  let str = String.to_seq str in
  aux str seq |> (fun s -> tok, s)

let find_token seq =
  !tokens |> List.find_map
    (fun (s, t) -> expect_token s t seq)

(* same as take_while f seq, drop_while f seq *)
let rec partition_while f seq =
  match seq () with
  | Seq.Nil -> Seq.empty, seq
  | Seq.Cons (x, seq) ->
    if f x then
      let n, s = partition_while f seq in
      Seq.cons x n, s
      Seq.(empty, cons x seq)

let snds f = fun x -> f @@ snd x

let tokenize str =
  let seq = String.to_seqi str in
  let rec aux seq =
    let open Token in
    let open Seq in
    match seq () with
    | Nil -> empty
    | Cons ((col, x), seq) ->
      (* skip whitespace *)
      if is_whitespace x then
        aux seq

      (* string *)
      else if x = '"' then
        let str, seq = partition_while (fun (_, c) -> c <> '"') seq in
        let str = String.of_seq @@ snd str in
        let seq = expect_char (col + String.length str + 1) '"' seq in
        cons (col, String str) (aux seq)

      (* number (int, float) *)
      else if is_digit x then
        let n, seq = partition_while (snds is_num) seq in
        let n = cons x ( snd n) |> String.of_seq in
        let n =
          if String.contains n '.' (* float *)
          then Float (float_of_string n)
          else Int (int_of_string n)
        cons (col, n) (aux seq)

      (* idents *)
      else if is_ident_start x then
        let id, seq = partition_while (snds is_ident) seq in
        let id = String.of_seq @@ cons x @@ snd id in
        cons (col, Ident id) (aux seq)

      (* tokens *)
        match find_token @@ cons (col, x) seq with
        | None -> invalid_char col x
        | Some (t, seq) -> cons (col, t) (aux seq)
  aux seq