Refactor value

This commit is contained in:
백현웅 2022-01-18 16:52:33 +09:00
parent 20e324f4c2
commit aba76688be
4 changed files with 129 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,53 @@
type typ =
module Type = struct
type t =
| Int
| Float
let to_string = function
| Int -> "int"
| Float -> "float"
let merge a b =
match a, b with
| Int, Float -> Float
| Float, Int -> Float
| a, b when a = b -> a
| _ -> failwith "Type.merge"
exception Invalid_type of Type.t
module Value = struct
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Unit
| Nop (* return of system operations *)
let typ_to_string = function
let to_string = function
| Int n -> Printf.sprintf "%d" n
| Float n -> Printf.sprintf "%f" n
| Unit -> "()"
| Nop -> "nop"
type binop =
let typeof = function
| Int _ -> Type.Int
| Float _ -> Type.Float
| Nop -> failwith "Value.typeof"
let promote = function
| Int n -> Float (float n)
| Float n -> Float n
| _ -> failwith "Value.promote"
(* binary operator *)
module Binop = struct
type t =
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div (* arithmetics *)
| Mod (* modular operation *)
| Exp (* exponentation *)
let binop_to_string = function
let to_string = function
| Add -> "+"
| Sub -> "-"
| Mul -> "*"
@ -21,38 +55,62 @@ let binop_to_string = function
| Mod -> "%"
| Exp -> "^"
let vi f a b =
let open Value in
match a, b with
| Int a, Int b -> Int (f a b)
| _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Int
let vf f a b =
let open Value in
match a, b with
| Float a, Float b -> Float (f a b)
| _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Float
let operators =
let open Type in
Add, [Int, vi Int.add; Float, vf Float.add];
Sub, [Int, vi Int.sub; Float, vf Float.sub];
Mul, [Int, vi Int.mul; Float, vf Float.mul];
Div, [Int, vi Int.div; Float, vf Float.div];
Mod, [Int, vi Int.rem; Float, vf Float.rem];
Exp, [Float, vf Float.pow];
|> List.to_seq
|> Hashtbl.of_seq
let get op typ =
Hashtbl.find operators op
|> List.assoc_opt typ
type t =
| Value of typ
| Binop of t * binop * t
| Set_binop_pre of binop * t
| Get_binop_pre of binop
| Value of Value.t
| Binop of t * Binop.t * t
| Set_binop_pre of Binop.t * t
| Get_binop_pre of Binop.t
let value v = Value v
let binop left op right =
Binop (left, op, right)
let set_binop_pre op pre =
Set_binop_pre (op, pre)
(* print ast LISP style. *)
let print ast =
let pr = Printf.printf in
let pv v = pr "%s" @@ typ_to_string v in
let pv v = pr "%s" @@ Value.to_string v in
let rec aux = function
| Value n -> pv n
| Binop (left, op, right) -> begin
pr "(%s " @@ binop_to_string op;
aux left;
pr " ";
aux right;
pr ")";
let op = Binop.to_string op in
pr "(%s " op; aux left; pr " "; aux right; pr ")";
| Set_binop_pre (op, pre) ->
pr "(set_pre %s " (binop_to_string op);
pr "(set_pre %s " (Binop.to_string op);
aux pre;
pr ")"
| Get_binop_pre op ->
pr "(get_pre %s)" (binop_to_string op)
pr "(get_pre %s)" (Binop.to_string op)
aux ast; pr "\n"

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@ -1,34 +1,37 @@
open Ast
open Ast.Value
exception Invalid_type
exception No_operation
let arith intf floatf a b =
match a, b with
| Int a, Int b -> begin
try Int (intf a b)
with Exit -> Float (floatf (float a) (float b))
let rec binop op l r =
let tl = typeof l and tr = typeof r in
let ty = Type.merge tl tr in
let rec promote_until t x =
if typeof x = t
then x
else promote_until t (promote x)
let l = promote_until ty l
and r = promote_until ty r in
match Binop.get op ty with
| None -> begin
try binop op (promote l) (promote r)
with _ -> raise No_operation
| Float a, Int b -> Float (floatf a (float b))
| Int a, Float b -> Float (floatf (float a) b)
| Float a, Float b -> Float (floatf a b)
| _ -> raise Invalid_type
let binop_to_func = function
| Add -> arith Int.add Float.add
| Sub -> arith Int.sub Float.sub
| Mul -> arith Int.mul Float.mul
| Div -> arith Int.div Float.div
| Mod -> arith Int.rem Float.rem
| Exp -> arith (fun _ _ -> raise Exit) Float.pow
| Some f -> f l r
let rec eval = function
| Value v -> v
| Binop (l, op, r) ->
let f = binop_to_func op in
f (eval l) (eval r)
let l = eval l and r = eval r in
binop op l r
| Set_binop_pre (op, l) ->
let l = match eval l with Int n -> n | _ -> raise Invalid_type in
let l =
match eval l with
| Int n -> n
| v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v)
Hashtbl.replace Parser.precedence op l;
| Get_binop_pre op ->
Int (Hashtbl.find Parser.precedence op)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let error_to_string e =
| Lex.Token_not_found -> sprintf "invalid token"
| Parser.Expected t -> sprintf "expected %s" t
| Parser.Unexpected_token t -> sprintf "unexpected token \"%s\"" t
| Eval.Invalid_type -> "invalid type"
| Ast.Invalid_type t -> sprintf "invalid type %s" (Ast.Type.to_string t)
| Failure f -> sprintf "error on %s" f
| Division_by_zero -> "cannot divide by zero"
| _ -> raise e
@ -22,12 +22,15 @@ let rep () : unit =
printf "> ";
let line = read_line () in
if line = "quit" then raise Exit;
let ans =
|> Lex.tokenize
|> Parser.parse
|> Eval.eval
|> Ast.typ_to_string
|> printf "%s\n"
match ans with
| Nop -> ()
| _ -> printf "%s\n" @@ Ast.Value.to_string ans
let init_repl () =
let sigintf _ = raise Reset_line in

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Ast
open Ast.Binop
module S = Set.Make(String)
@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ exception Expected of string
exception Unexpected_token of string
let expected t =
raise (Expected t)
raise @@ Expected t
let unexpected_token t =
raise @@ Unexpected_token (Token.to_string t)